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These are resources with content suitable for 5 - 11 year olds

Awestruck Academy Creative Arts and Media Centre
Awestruck Academy provides access to Creative Arts, Music, Media, Drama, Gaming and Digital Technology in Clydebank.

Bellsmyre Development Trust
Bellsmyre Development Trust is a community organisation delivering a range of activities and opportunities for the Bellsmyre community from the Cutty Sark Centre, including youth groups, holiday programmes and volunteering opportunities.
Phone: 01389 730111

CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are core clinical multi-disciplinary teams with expertise in the assessment, care and treatment of children and young people experiencing serious mental health problems. Specialist services for those at risk and with specific conditions are also provided, including inpatient care.
Specialist CAMHS are for children and young people age 0 – 18th birthday with clear symptoms of mental ill health which place them or others at risk and/or have a significant and persistent impact on day-to-day functioning. While some children and young people will need to come straight to CAMHS i.e. those requiring urgent mental health care, most will require this service when an intervention within primary care, education or a community-based service has not been enough.
Phone: 01389 817324

CARA (challenging and responding to abuse)
CARA provides confidential counselling support to children, young people of school age and women who have experienced domestic abuse, rape, and/or sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse. Both self and agency referrals are welcomed
Phone: 0141 562 8800

CEDAR (children experiencing domestic abuse recovery)
CEDAR offer a free and confidential service for children and young people aged 4-16 years and their mothers. Self and Agency referrals are welcomed
Phone: 0141 562 8870

Centre 81
Centre 81 is a Community Centre in the heart of Whitecrook, Clydebank. Home to many great groups, services, activities, free accredited training course, and Gym81.
Phone: 0141 941 1044

Childline Counselling service for children and young people in the UK. Phone, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.
Helpline number: 0800 11 11

Clear Fear
The Clear Fear app provides ways for children and young people to manage symptoms of anxiety. It can help change anxious thoughts and emotions, alter anxious behaviours and calm fear responses.

Clifftops Project
The Clifftop Project provides artistic and dance activities for all in West Dunbartonshire.

Crisis Counselling (Erskine Counselling)
Crisis Counselling offers counselling therapy to children and young people aged 10 and over experiencing emotional and mental health difficulties. Referral through Education services.

Includem works with young people and families to help them transform their lives. They work with social services, schools and criminal justice services to identify which young people could benefit from support, then engage with the young person and their family or carer to develop a package tailored to their specific needs.
Helpline number: 0808 800 0408
Phone: 0141 427 0523

Intandem Mentoring
Scotland’s national mentoring programme for young people aged 8 -14 years who are looked after at home. Intandem helps Scotland’s children, young people and families stay together to build and maintain positive, loving relationships. The intandem service is run in West Dunbartonshire by Y Sort It .
Phone: 0131 442 8760

KIDS - Kids Independently Developing Skills
Helping children and young people to live meaningful, healthy, independent lives. Information from NHS staff for young people, families and professionals. You can find out about attending hospital and clinic appointments, with examples of children and young people’s experiences with health services. There are also links to supporting websites and other sources of help.

A confidential counselling service accessed through West Dunbartonshire secondary schools, where young people can chat to a counsellor to help manage personal and social issues which may be affecting their life.

Mind Yer Time
Designed by children and young people from the Children's Parliament and the Scottish Youth Parliament, Mind Yer Time has been created to support everyone who loves social media and screen time. We've got positive tips, stories and information for children and young people, to help you use your screen time positively!

National Autistic Society West Dunbartonshire
Help for autistic people and their families. We are dedicated to transforming lives and changing attitudes. National Autistic Society branches can offer support to families who have an autistic child or member.
Phone: 0207 833 2299 (Monday to Friday 9am-12pm and 1-3pm)

National Bullying Helpline
Information and advice for anyone dealing with bullying.
Helpline number: 0300 323 0169
Phone: 0845 225 5787

For advice about rights to education and support for children in Scotland. REACH can help you understand your rights to support with your learning and your rights to be included, listened to and involved in decisions about your education.

Richmond's Hope
Richmond’s Hope provides support for children and young people aged 4-18 years who have been bereaved. The website has a range of information leaflets and resources to download. Refer a child or young person to the service online.
Phone: 0141 230 6123

Runaway Helpline
Runaway Helpline can help if you are thinking about running away, if you have already run away, or if you have been away and come back. You can also contact if you are worried that someone else is going to run away or if they are being treated badly or abused.
Helpline number: call or text 116 000

Scratch is the world's largest free coding community for kids aged 8-16 years. Create stories, games and animations and share with the world. Scratch is a safe and playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. Includes links to Scratch Jr (ages 5-7) and Scratch for Education.

Self Harm Alumina
Free online self-harm support for 10-17 year olds. Alumina groups are online support groups made up of up to 14 young people and 2 leaders, and meet online once a week for 7 weeks. They offer a friendly, inclusive, non-judgmental space offering tools and ideas to help you reflect on your journey and what might be the next right step for you, as you move towards a life free from self-harm. You don’t need an adult to refer you or sign you up, and no-one will see or hear you during the sessions – you’ll just join in via the chatbox.

Think You Know
The National Crime Agency's CEOP Education team aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse through an education programme, providing training, resources and information to professionals working with children, young people and their families. Age specific videos and webpages are also available on this site.

Tullochan supports both young people aged 5-25 and those aged 25+ through a range of development programmes delivered from our Tullochan Training Academy, within Primary/Secondary schools or through their Social Enterprises. Programmes such as Timber Transitions, Furniture Fix, Gardening & Landscaping, Personal Development, Work Placements within their cafe 'The Common Good', or Employability sessions are on offer, alongside LGBTQ+ Youth Action Group and High School Drop-in Youth Club. Their support allows young people and the wider community to improve their mental health and wellbeing, break down barriers and progress positively into education, employment or training.

Underlined is a community of book nerds and aspiring writers, make Underlined your official book destination and start reading with us today!

WD - Period Positive
Free period products are available to anyone that needs them across West Dunbartonshire in community venues including health centres, libraries, community centres and leisure centres. Simply drop in and pick up what you need. Don’t worry, we won’t ask any awkward questions.

WD Libraries for Babies and Children
West Dunbartonshire libraries have a range of activities and resources for babies, children and parents, including baby massage and lego club.

WD Schools and Learning
Local schools' contact details, information on term dates, extra-curricular activities, how to apply for childcare and more.

WD Sports Hub
West Dunbartonshire Sports Hub app has all of the information that accredited clubs, schools, members, parents and others might need about sports in West Dunbartonshire, all in one easily accessible location.

WD Youth Theatre
Are you aged 8-18? Interested in testing out your acting and performance skills? West Dunbartonshire Youth Theatre could be the place for you…

Who Cares? Scotland
Who Cares? Scotland supports care experienced people to have their voice heard and we make that happen in a number of ways. Website includes a page for children under 11 years.

Y Sort it
Y Sort It youth centre provides a dedicated youth friendly space with various weekly youth activities offered throughout the West Dunbartonshire area, including support for young carers (10-25 years), peer mentoring for care experienced young people, Outreach Project (8-25 years), Intandem (ages of 8 and 14 and on a Compulsory Supervision Order) and Y Sort-It FUSION LGBT Youth Group for young people 25 years and under, and currently meets online.
Phone: 0141 941 3308

Young Composer's Music Forum
A place where composers and musicians have come together to create a collaborative resource from which our users can learn.

Young Minds
Young minds provide young people with tools to look after their mental health. The website is full of advice and information on what to do if you're struggling with how you feel. There is also information to empower parents and adults who work with young people, to be the best support they can be to the young people in their lives.

Young People in Mind Service
Young People in Mind (YPIM) is for young people aged 0-21 years who are looked after and accommodated in West Dunbartonshire, including young people who are homeless or living in supported/homeless accommodation.
This service is also available to young people aged 16 – 25 who are vulnerable to homelessness whether care-experienced or non-care-experienced.
Young People in Mind offers a variety of therapeutic interventions to this group of young people who might have experienced adverse early life experiences or are struggling with their emotional or mental health.
The service aims to promote good mental health and emotional well-being.
YPIM offer individual interventions and consultation with young people and other professionals involved in their support plan.
Phone: 01389 754121

Young Persons' Free Bus Travel Scheme
Free travel on any bus in any part of Scotland on registered bus services. You can travel on buses outside the area you live in using your card. How you apply depends on where you live and the age of the young person.

Youth Club Haldane Youth Services
A small non-profit-making children’s charity who provide workshops and experiences for young people aged 8-18 in Haldane and the surrounding area. Hop, Skip and Jump caters for young people in P4-P7 and Ur-Turn caters for young people in S1-S6.

Youth Mentoring & Befriending Project
The Youth Mentoring project has been set up to help young people. Mentoring is linking you with an adult who can spend positive time with you and build upon your relationship. It is hoped the relationship will provide you with additional support and the opportunity to try new things.
Phone: 01389 776497

Dyslexia Scotland
Empowering people with dyslexia to reach their full potential.

Help for bullied children, advice to help you support your child if they are being bullied, and guidance for adults working with children.
Helpline number: Parent Advice Line: 07496 682785

Children and Young People's Comissioner Scotland
Get help, information and advice about your human rights, and find out the ways you can get involved in the work done by the Children and Young People's Commissioner and team.
Phone: 0800 019 1179

Disability Sports Finder
Find fun and engaging activities in your local area to suit all ages and abilities. Some activities have a cost.

Dumbarton Credit Union
Dumbarton Credit Union is a savings and loans co-operative owned and managed by its members all of whom live or work in 'G' postcode area. Save with the credit union first and then borrow from a local alternative to banks and money lenders.
Phone: 01389 768585

HospiChill helps you prepare for hospital and clinic appointments by teaching you relaxation skills and methods to make you feel more calm and in control.

Kinship Care West Dunbartonshire
Our aim is to support families in Kinship Care, whether you are an "informal" or formal kinship carer.

Salvation Army Clydebank
Providing practical help for people in need, defending those who are vulnerable and abused, and fighting against injustice, the services provide are diverse, reflecting the needs of the communities served.
Phone: 0141 941 1353

Scotland's Service Directory
Details of health and wellbeing services in Scotland. Includes GP practices, dental services and support groups.

Feeling Good Teens
Feeling Good offers Positive Mental Training audio programmes which can help you feel better, lift your mood and recover from stress, anxiety and depression by building resilience and developing positive feelings.

Old Kilpatrick Food Parcels
Old Kilpatrick Food Parcels (OKFP) help any resident of Old Kilpatrick, Bowling & Dalmuir, without the need for a referral.
Phone: 07368 496836

I Am Me
Changing attitudes and behaviours so that disabled and vulnerable people can feel safe within their communities. Keep Safe is a network of safe places for anyone who may feel lost, scared or vulnerable when out in the community.
Includes information on a new app 'Keep Safe Kids' which brings together a selection of organisations who provide information and support for issues which may affect young people.
Also includes the I Am Me Learning Platform - an exciting suite of online resources supporting the Health & Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes for Early Years, Primary & Secondary schools. Developed with, and for, children & young people.

Scotland's Children's Reporter Administration
The Children's Reporter Administration provide administration to Children’s Hearings. The Children’s Hearings System is the legal system for children and young people in Scotland who are either at risk or who have been caught offending.
Families become involved in the Children’s Hearings System if the child or young person is getting into trouble with the police, there are concerns that they are being abused, they are taking drugs or alcohol, or they are not attending school.
If you have never been involved with the system before, you will have lots of questions. This website should help you.
Phone: 0131 244 8540

Whizz Kids
The UK’s leading charity supporting young wheelchair users up to 25 years old provides them with the equipment and skills they need to live life as independently as possible. To enjoy all of the opportunities and activities that so many others take for granted ‐ at home, at school, at work and beyond.

The charity for families with disabled children. We support families, bring families together and help families take action for others.
Helpline number: 0808 808 3555

Sibs exists to support people who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister. We provide information, support and training on sibling issues for adult siblings, young siblings, parents and professionals.

The Speech Language Communication Company
Based in Dundee, SLCo is Scotland’s only charity set up to support the needs of children and young people who experience speech, language and communication problems and make sure that their families get the help and guidance they need. SLCo provides an information, guidance and support service for parents and carers, and offers a range of evidence-based therapeutic, skills and activity based support for children and young people.
Helpline number: 01382 250060
Phone: 01382 202644

Helping make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people, Childnet works directly with children and young people from the ages of 3-18, as well as parents, carers, teachers and professionals, finding out about their real experiences online and the positive things they are doing.

Own It
A place to help you boss your life online. Whatever you need – help and advice, skills or inspiration – we have it covered.
Includes a Parents section - a toolkit to help your kids navigate life online, including handy tips on setting up your child’s first devices and videos addressing your common concerns about online gaming.
There is content for teachers to share in class and build into lessons on online safety and digital wellbeing.

Connecting Scotland - Digital Skills
A collection of resources covering digital literacy, how to stay safe online, and how to report harmful content.

Clydebank Can
Clydebank Can is a community-based project that aims to bring to life the canal and bandstand area of Three Queen’s Square in Clydebank. It will bring more arts and leisure activities into the area for local people to enjoy, giving everyone in the community more opportunity to take part in events and activities which improve health and wellbeing, and increase social and economic activity in the area.
The website also contains a 'What's On' section with a wealth of information on local events, clubs, activities and more.

Action for Happiness
The mission of Action for Happiness is to help people create a happier world, with a culture that prioritises happiness and kindness.
They do this by helping people get together regularly (face-to-face where possible) to learn evidence-based skills for happier living, feel a sense of belonging and commit to personal action to create more happiness, both for themselves and others.
They have no religious, political or commercial affiliations and welcome people of all faiths (or none) and all parts of society. Members of the movement make a simple pledge: to try to create more happiness in the world.

Sea Cadets Clydebank
Clydebank Sea Cadets aim to give young people an experience that will help them grow into the person they want to be in a safe and friendly environment. Through various activities and adventures, we learn teamwork, respect, loyalty, self-confidence, commitment, self-discipline, honesty and how to be the best version of ourselves.
Phone: 07491248882

Clydesdale Harriers Athletic Club
A fully inclusive, forward-looking club with a dedicated coaching team on hand, based in Clydebank. New members of all abilities are welcome, whatever their standard. A warm friendly welcome is assured!
Web: music wellness app
An accessible and effective tool based on the science of music therapy with customised technologies designed for long-lasting positive impact on mind, body, and soul. is the first and only app to partner with the field of music therapy, emphasising the importance of providing content created by board-certified music therapists for music and meditation.

Play Scotland
Play Scotland promotes and supports play for all children and young people in Scotland. Find practical ideas, resources, information and events to help create more opportunities for play. Through play, children create and establish friendships. The extent to which they feel part of a group is linked to their opportunities to play with other children. Playing freely with others helps children learn how to see things from differing points of view through cooperating, sharing, helping and solving problems.

NSPCC Building Connections Loneliness Suppport
Building Connections is an online service for children and young people between the ages of 9 and 19, empowering them to find a way through loneliness.
Young people work with a trained befriender, who guides them and champions them each step of the way. Building Connections gives young people tools that can help them build their confidence and better equip them to manage loneliness.
Referrals can be made to the service by a professional, with the consent of the child or young person and their parent or carer (link to form in 'making a referral' section).

Sleepio is a free, NHS-recommended digital treatment for insomnia and poor sleep
Sleepio delivers cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia in 10 minute sessions over six weeks
You can start today!

Winston's Wish
Winston’s Wish is a charity that helps children, teenagers and young adults (up to the age of 25) find their feet when their worlds are turned upside down by grief.
Winston's Wish provides digital bereavement information, advice and support for young people across the UK who are grieving the death of someone important to them. They also help advise the adults who are caring for young grieving people including parents, school staff and healthcare professionals.
Phone: 08088 020 021

Neurodevelopmental Assessment Appointment Information for Children
This leaflet explains what to expect during a fun meeting with our team in West Dunbartonshire, where you’ll do activities like looking at pictures, playing with toys, and solving puzzles. You can also tell us what you like and don't like to do, and ask us questions.

Railway Guardian app
The free Railway Guardian app is a safety app from the British Transport Police that allows you to report crimes or concerns on the rail network, share your journeys with trusted contacts, and access news, guides, or support.
British Transport Police want you to feel safe and empowered when you travel, and by downloading the Railway Guardian app, help is always at hand if you need it.
Your small actions can all play a part in making everyone’s journey a good one, such as:
- downloading the app
- reporting crimes and concerns
- learning about acceptable behaviour on the network and setting an example
- being an active bystander