Resources for: Sexual Health and Relationships

Accurate information about relationships and sexual health means young people can learn about the emotional, social and physical aspects of relationships and wellbeing.  This helps to develop positive relationships with yourself and others based on respect and equality.

13. Awkward Moments

Awkward Moments

Awkward Moments worked with young people across Scotland to create these films to help improve conversations about sex and consent.


Website Online National Free
26. C A L M

Campaign Against Living Miserably

CALM has a website, helpline 5pm -midnight and webchat open 365 days a year, offering practical suggestions for all of life's problems - whether that's anxiety, relationship concerns, health worries, money worries or suicidal thoughts.

Helpline number: 0800 58 58 58


Website Online Telephone National Free
32. Childline No Text


Childline Counselling service for children and young people in the UK. Phone, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.

Helpline number: 0800 11 11


Helpline Online Telephone National Free
43. Crisis Counselling

Crisis Counselling (Erskine Counselling)

Crisis Counselling offers counselling therapy to children and young people aged 10 and over experiencing emotional and mental health difficulties. Referral through Education services.


Services & somewhere to go School Referral Local Free
48. Ditch Label

Ditch the Label

Ditch the Label helps young people aged 12-25 years navigate the issues affecting them the most; from mental health and bullying to identity and relationships.


Website Online International Free
49. Police Scotland

Police Scotland

Police Scotland's website has an Advice and Information page. Included are pages on:

  • child abuse
  • counter terrorism
  • domestic abuse
  • drugs (harm prevention)
  • hate crime
  • internet safety
  • online student safety guide
  • rape and sexual crime
  • safe nights out
  • stalking
  • victims and witnesses


Website Online Self referral National Free
61. Fumble


Fumble is a digital sexual health and relationships education resource with reliable, relatable content on intimacy, relationships, identity, health and wellbeing.


Website Online National Free
81. LGBT Foundation

LGBT Foundation

LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.

Phone: 0345 3 30 30 30


Website Online National Free
82. LGBT Health And Wellbeing

LGBT Health and Wellbeing

Promoting the health, wellbeing and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT+) adults (16+) in Scotland. We welcome the entire diversity of our LGBT+ community including non-binary, queer, intersex, asexual people and all identities under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella

Phone: 0300 123 2523


Website Online National Free
83. LGBT Hero


LGBT HERO is the national health and wellbeing charity supporting over 100,000 LGBTQ+ people a month by providing trusted information, advice and various types of support including one-to-one, group and peer-support.


Website Online Self referral National Free
91. Mermaids


Support for transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families. Mermaids has evolved into one of the UK’s leading LGBTQ+ charities, empowering thousands of people with its secure online communities, local community groups, helpline services, web resources, events and residential weekends.

Helpline number: 0808 801 0400


Website Online Self referral National Free
107. NHS Inform With Text

NHS Inform

NHS inform is Scotland's national health information service helping the people in Scotland to make informed decisions about their own health and the health of the people they care for. Also includes a service directory with details of health and wellbeing services across Scotland.


Website Online National Free
127.Sandyford Yp With Text

Sandyford (Young person)

Sandyford is the specialist sexual health service for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Services include STI services, contraception and abortion services and advice. The clinic in Clydebank Health Centre is open on Thursdays 4.30pm - 7.30pm by appointment only (booking details in link).

Phone: 0141 211 8130


Services & somewhere to go Download Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
141. SHOUT

SHOUT Crisis text service

Shout is the UK's first and only free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.

Helpline number: 85258 free text support service


Helpline Website Online Telephone National Free
154. The Mix

The Mix

The Mix is a UK based charity that provides free, confidential support for young people under 25 via online, social and mobile.

Phone: 0808 808 4994


Website App Online Telephone National Free
156. The Proud Trust

The Proud Trust

The Proud Trust is an LGBT+ organisation that supports LGBT+ young people through youth groups, peer support, mentoring programs and the Proud Connections chat service

Phone: 0161 660 3347


Website Online National Free
Free Condoms

Free Condom Service

Free Condoms Service provides Free Condoms to the population of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to anyone aged 13 or over. Both male and female condoms are available. The service can be used as often as required.


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free


Everything we do protects children today and prevents abuse tomorrow, to transform society for every childhood.  Support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children's mental health to staying safe online as well as support for parents. 


Website Online National Free

Consent It's Simple as Tea

A quick and simple animation explaining consent.


Download Online National Free

Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution

SCCR is a charity based in Edinburgh, Scotland with expertise in mediation. Their award-winning digital resources and free training and events improve understanding of conflict and emotional needs, to transform relationships and lives. The SCCR focuses on early intervention with young people and their families experiencing difficulties and conflict. 


Website Online Self referral National Free
129. 130. Scotland's Redress Scheme Scot Gov

Pregnancy and parenthood while you are in school or education

Every pregnant young woman, young parent-to-be, and young parent should be supported to stay in education. This information page includes a leaflet from the Scottish Government providing basic information to young people about how their school or college will support them to make decisions about their education during pregnancy or parenthood. 


Download Online National Free

Child Exploitation and Online Protection

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? The CEOP are here to help and this website has advice for you. You can make a report directly to them if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried.  They take all reports seriously and will will do everything they can to keep you safe.



Website Online National Free
Revenge Porn Helpline Logo

Revenge Porn Helpline

The Revenge Porn Helpline supports anyone over the age of 18 and living in the UK who is a victim of intimate image abuse. This includes those who have had private sexual images shared without consent, threatened to be shared without consent, or taken without consent. They also provide advice and information to those targeted by Sextortion and webcam blackmail. 

Helpline number: 0345 6000 459


Helpline Website Online Self referral National Free
Stop NCIIA Logo

Stop Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse is a free tool designed to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image (NCII) abuse aged over 18 and living in the UK. With an over 90% removal rate, over 200,000 individual non-consensual intimate images have been removed from the internet.


Website Online Self referral National Free