Resources for: Self Harm and Age 5-11

Self-harm is an act that is intended to cause injury to one-self but which is not intended to result in death. It is often described by those who self-harm as a way of coping with emotional pain and of surviving distressing experiences. It is not a suicide attempt. Reference

32. Childline No Text


Childline Counselling service for children and young people in the UK. Phone, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.

Helpline number: 0800 11 11


Helpline Online Telephone National Free
43. Crisis Counselling

Crisis Counselling (Erskine Counselling)

Crisis Counselling offers counselling therapy to children and young people aged 10 and over experiencing emotional and mental health difficulties. Referral through Education services.


Services & somewhere to go School Referral Local Free