
5 Alcohol Anon

Alcoholics Anonymous

AA is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual who turn to the Fellowship for help. There are meetings across West Dunbartonshire.


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
4. Alanon Families

Al -Anon Family Groups

Al-Anon Family Groups offers free and inclusive local meetings for anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else's drinking.

Helpline number: 0800 0086 811


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
6. Alternatives


Alternatives are a community based drug project in West Dunbartonshire operating from two community bases.

Phone: 01389 734 500


Services & somewhere to go Online Local Free
7. Alternatives Safe House

Alternatives - Safe as Houses

Alternatives - Safe as Houses is a specialist residential rehabilitation centre in Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire. It provides support for people across Scotland who want help with problematic drug and/or alcohol use within a safe and therapeutic setting.

Phone: 0141 952 2282


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Self referral Local Free


ASSIST provides support to families going through the domestic abuse courts. Their aim is to ensure that all victims of domestic abuse, regardless of gender, age or ethnicity are safe, informed and supported throughout their involvement with the criminal justice system.

Phone: 0141 276 7710


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
12. Awestruck Academy

Awestruck Academy Creative Arts and Media Centre

Awestruck Academy provides access to Creative Arts, Music, Media, Drama, Gaming and Digital Technology in Clydebank.


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Costs money
17. Bellsmyre DT No Text

Bellsmyre Development Trust

Bellsmyre Development Trust is a community organisation delivering a range of activities and opportunities for the Bellsmyre community from the Cutty Sark Centre, including youth groups, holiday programmes and volunteering opportunities.

Phone: 01389 730111


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Costs money
20. Blue Triangle With Text

Blue Triangle Housing Association

Blue Triangle are a social care organisation that empowers people to thrive by delivering solutions in connected communities which focus on the needs of each individual.


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free

CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are core clinical multi-disciplinary teams with expertise in the assessment, care and treatment of children and young people experiencing serious mental health problems. Specialist services for those at risk and with specific conditions are also provided, including inpatient care.

Specialist CAMHS are for children and young people age 0 – 18th birthday with clear symptoms of mental ill health which place them or others at risk and/or have a significant and persistent impact on day-to-day functioning. While some children and young people will need to come straight to CAMHS i.e. those requiring urgent mental health care, most will require this service when an intervention within primary care, education or a community-based service has not been enough.

Phone: 01389 817324


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Local Free
27. CARA

CARA (challenging and responding to abuse)

CARA provides confidential counselling support to children, young people of school age and women who have experienced domestic abuse, rape, and/or sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse. Both self and agency referrals are welcomed

Phone: 0141 562 8800


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Self referral Local Free
28. Carers Of WD

Carers of West Dunbartonshire

Carers of West Dunbartonshire provides a range of support for carers who are 18 and over.

Phone: 0141 941 1550


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Telephone Local Free
30. CEDAR With Text

CEDAR (children experiencing domestic abuse recovery)

CEDAR offer a free and confidential service for children and young people aged 4-16 years and their mothers. Self and Agency referrals are welcomed

Phone: 0141 562 8870


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Self referral Local Free
31. Centre 81

Centre 81

Centre 81 is a Community Centre in the heart of Whitecrook, Clydebank. Home to many great groups, services, activities, free accredited training course, and Gym81.

Phone: 0141 941 1044


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Costs money
37. CAB

Citizen's Advice Scotland

Free, impartial and confidential advice, delivered by trained advisers across Scotland. Working for a fairer Scotland where people are empowered and their rights respected.

Helpline number: 0800 028 1456

Phone: 0800 484 0136


Helpline Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone National Free

Citizens' Advice Bureau West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire CAB offers general advice and assistance to local residents across a wide range of subjects .

Phone: 0800 484 0136


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
40. Clifftops

Clifftops Project

The Clifftop Project provides artistic and dance activities for all in West Dunbartonshire.


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
41. Cocaine Anon

Cocaine Anonymous

Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. Find information on local groups here.

Helpline number: 0141 959 6363


Services & somewhere to go Download Self referral Telephone Local Free
43. Crisis Counselling

Crisis Counselling (Erskine Counselling)

Crisis Counselling offers counselling therapy to children and young people aged 10 and over experiencing emotional and mental health difficulties. Referral through Education services.


Services & somewhere to go School Referral Local Free
47. DBI No Text

Distress Brief Intervention Service (Young person)

The Distress Brief Intervention (DBI) service provides support quickly to young people who are experiencing distress and feeling overwhelmed emotionally. Referrals are made by your GP or the police if aged 16-24 years (or up to 26 years if you are care experienced), or someone in school or college (from age 14 years). The service will contact you within 24 hours of your referral and will support you for up to 14 days, working with you to address some of the difficulties you may be experiencing now and in the future.


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral School Referral Local Free
53. ESOL

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course

English language courses for learners to develop their communication skills and knowledge of living and working in Scotland.

Phone: 01389 738775


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
71. Home From Home

Home from Home

Home from Home can help with furniture, white goods, electrical items, crockery, cutlery, bedding, towels etc if you are on: Income support, Jobseeker’s allowance, Pension credits, or Disability Living allowance

Phone: 01389 733733


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Costs money
74. Intandem

Intandem Mentoring

Scotland’s national mentoring programme for young people aged 8 -14 years who are looked after at home. Intandem helps Scotland’s children, young people and families stay together to build and maintain positive, loving relationships. The intandem service is run in West Dunbartonshire by Y Sort It .

Phone: 0131 442 8760


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
86. Lifelink No Text


A confidential counselling service accessed through West Dunbartonshire secondary schools, where young people can chat to a counsellor to help manage personal and social issues which may be affecting their life. 


Services & somewhere to go School Referral Local Free
94. Moo Music

Moo Music Classes

Fun, interactive music classes for babies, toddlers and preschool aged children. Classes in Dumbarton and Clydebank.


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Costs money
98. Mcr Pathways

MCR Pathways Scotland

Motivation, Commitment and Resilience Pathways Scotland aims to help young people unlock their potential, no matter their circumstances. Working together with our inspiring mentor community and partners, we can help young people to realise their skills and progress onto a positive destination. Our vision is for all young people to experience equality of education outcomes, career opportunities and life chances.

Phone: 0141 221 0200


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
102. Narcotics Anon

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Narcotics Anonymous Glasgow & West Coast Of Scotland is a community of people who support each other to achieve and maintain a drug free life. The only requirement for participation in NA is a desire to stop using drugs. Meetings take place online and face to face. NA is free. Local meeting details can be found on the website.

Phone: 0800 140 4645 Glasgow


Helpline Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
103. National Autistic Society With Text

National Autistic Society West Dunbartonshire

Help for autistic people and their families.  We are dedicated to transforming lives and changing attitudes. National Autistic Society branches can offer support to families who have an autistic child or member.

Phone: 0207 833 2299 (Monday to Friday 9am-12pm and 1-3pm)


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
117. Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis Scotland

Information on helpline and Rape Crisis centres across Scotland who provide trauma-informed support. The website also contains a number of resources for survivors, friends and family, and young people.

Helpline number: 08088 01 03 02


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone National Free
127.Sandyford Yp With Text

Sandyford (Young person)

Sandyford is the specialist sexual health service for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Services include STI services, contraception and abortion services and advice. The clinic in Clydebank Health Centre is open on Thursdays 4.30pm - 7.30pm by appointment only (booking details in link).

Phone: 0141 211 8130


Services & somewhere to go Download Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
132. SFAD With Text

SFAD Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs

Young person's support group for 12–26-year-olds affected by someone else’s alcohol or drug use. 

Helpline number: 08080 10 10 11


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Telephone Local Free
147. Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones

Help for people over 16 years old in West Dunbartonshire who are experiencing common mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety or stress. Stepping Stones also offers a Bereavement and Loss support service.

Phone: 0141 941 2929


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Self referral Telephone Local Free

PATHways Programme (previously TESSA)

PATHways Programme (previously known as TESSA in Scotland) is an early intervention programme that helps adoptive parents achieve better outcomes for their children by giving them early access to a clinical psychologist and peer support. It is based on the understanding that a child’s relationship with his or her parents or carers is one of the main keys to their development, and is founded on the principle of helping families, not fixing children. Referrals to PATHways are made by your social worker – you can request that they refer your family. 


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral National Free
155. The Phoenix Centre

The Phoenix Centre

The Phoenix is a community hub for the people of Dumbarton West, based in Castlehill. Some activities have a cost.


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
157. SEARCH Project Carers Of WD

The SEARCH Project (Support and Education for Alcohol-Related Challenges in the Home)

The SEARCH Project delivered by Carers of West Dunbartonshire provides support to carers that are affected by alcohol-related issues, either because they are caring for someone who has an alcohol problem or because they are dealing with their own alcohol issues. The project will support carers of any age but has a particular focus on Young Adult Carers (18-25 years) and Older Carers (65+ years).

Phone: 0141 941 1550


Services & somewhere to go Online Professional referral Self referral Telephone Local Free
Tullochan Logo OG


Tullochan supports both young people aged 5-25 and those aged 25+ through a range of development programmes delivered from our Tullochan Training Academy, within Primary/Secondary schools or through their Social Enterprises. Programmes such as Timber Transitions, Furniture Fix, Gardening & Landscaping, Personal Development, Work Placements within their cafe 'The Common Good', or Employability sessions are on offer, alongside LGBTQ+ Youth Action Group and High School Drop-in Youth Club. Their support allows young people and the wider community to improve their mental health and wellbeing, break down barriers and progress positively into education, employment or training.


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Professional referral School Referral Self referral Telephone Local Free
164. Venture Scotland

Venture Scotland

Venture Scotland offers young people, who are facing challenges and are aged 16-30, a personal development course based in the outdoors.


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Self referral National Free
165. Victim Support Scotland

Victim Support

Empowering people affected by crime. Includes information on Emergency Assistance Fund, available to any victim of crime who is in urgent need of financial help as a direct result of a specific crime and has no means of accessing funding from any other source.

Helpline number: 0800 160 1985


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral National Free
167. WD Period Positive

WD - Period Positive

Free period products are available to anyone that needs them across West Dunbartonshire in community venues including health centres, libraries, community centres and leisure centres. Simply drop in and pick up what you need. Don’t worry, we won’t ask any awkward questions.


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
179. WD Health Visitors

WD Adult Mental Health Services

The network of mental health services within West Dunbartonshire include Primary Care Mental Health Service, two local community mental health teams, Riverview Resource Centre based in Dumbarton Joint Hospital and Goldenhill Resource Centre based in Clydebank. Community Mental Health Teams support people who suffer significant mental health problems in the local community. If you are worried or concerned, please contact your local service who will be happy to advise. Referral is via GP or NHS 24

Phone: Dumbarton 01389 812 070 Clydebank 0141 941 4400


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Local Free
WD Fostering

WD Anti-Social Behaviour Services

The Anti-Social Behaviour Services (ASB) deal with complaints of serious anti-social conduct across the West Dunbartonshire area and where necessary raises legal proceedings for ASBOs and evictions.

Phone: 01389 772 048


Services & somewhere to go Telephone Local Free
170. WD Breastfeeding

WD Breastfeeding Groups

West Dunbartonshire has a Breastfeeding Support Team who provide support and information to ante-natal and post-natal women and their families. They offer parents extra help with breastfeeding to complement the existing support given by the midwifery and health visiting teams.


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
171. WD Champions Board

WD Champions' Board

The Champions Board is a platform for care experienced young people to get to know, and build strong positive relationships with those who make decisions about the care system and other professionals. The ultimate aim of the Champions Board is for those care experienced young people to help to change and develop policies and procedures in relation to their care, and to the care of future young people.


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
Addictions Sway Document

WD Community Addictions Team

West Dunbartonshire Community Addiction Services provide health and social care services for individuals with problems linked to drug and/or alcohol misuse; physical, medical and social needs of individuals as considered as part of the assessment.


For group information scan QR code above.


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Self referral Local Free
173. WD Comm Foodshare

Community Foodshare, Baby Bank and Fuel Bank

A registered charity in West Dunbartonshire supporting those affected by poverty and food insecurity. We can help with school uniforms, school holiday meals, baby food, baby clothes and equipment, and fuel vouchers.

Phone: 0800 345 7050


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Telephone Local Free
178 .183. 186. WDC

WD Early Learning and Childcare

Information on nurseries and childcare in West Dunbartonshire


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
179. WD Health Visitors

WD Health Visiting and School Nursing Services

Health Visitors are Specialist Nurse Practitioners who work with children (0-5yrs) and families to improve the physical, mental, emotional and social health and wellbeing of the population, preventing disease and reducing inequalities in health.

The School Nursing service is a targeted, referral based service for children and young people with recognised or suspected unmet needs requiring additional support.


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Self referral Local Free
180. WD Leisure

WD Leisure, Parks and Events

From the latest events and leisure activities to parks and hobbies, find something to do in West Dunbartonshire.


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Costs money
181. WD Libraries

WD Libraries for Babies and Children

West Dunbartonshire libraries have a range of activities and resources for babies, children and parents, including baby massage and lego club.


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
168. WD Adult MH Services

WD Throughcare and Aftercare Team

The Throughcare and Aftercare Team prepares young people for leaving local authority care and provides support, advice and guidance throughout that transition and beyond. The team manages a resource known as supported lodgings which enables young people to gain necessary skills and experience to eventually live independently in the community.

Phone: 0141 562 8800 or (1.30pm-5pm Mon-Fri) 01389 776 303


Services & somewhere to go Online Professional referral Local Free
Parenting And Families

WD Young Families Support Service

Young Family Support Service provides early intervention and support to families with young children, aiming to improve outcomes for children.

Phone: 01389 812341


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral School Referral Local Free
188. WD Youth Theatre

WD Youth Theatre

Are you aged 8-18? Interested in testing out your acting and performance skills? West Dunbartonshire Youth Theatre could be the place for you…


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
191. Womens Aid Clydebank

Women's Aid - Clydebank

Clydebank Women’s Aid is a confidential organisation which provides various services for women, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse.

Phone: 0141 952 8118


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
191. Womens Aid Clydebank

Women's Aid - Dumbarton

Dumbarton District Women’s Aid (DDWA) is a confidential organisation which provides information, support and, where appropriate, refuge for women and any accompanying children who have experienced or at risk of domestic abuse.

Phone: 01389 751036


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
193. Scottish Womens Aid

Women's Aid - Scotland

Information and support on all aspects of domestic abuse.

Phone: 0800 027 1234


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone National Free
195. Y Sort It

Y Sort it

Y Sort It youth centre provides a dedicated youth friendly space with various weekly youth activities offered throughout the West Dunbartonshire area, including support for young carers (10-25 years), peer mentoring for care experienced young people, Outreach Project (8-25 years), Intandem (ages of 8 and 14 and on a Compulsory Supervision Order) and Y Sort-It FUSION LGBT Youth Group for young people 25 years and under, and currently meets online.

Phone: 0141 941 3308


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
203 Young Scot

Young Carers Package (Young Scot)

Information on how to apply for the Young Carers Package, Carer’s Allowance and the Young Carer Grant.


Services & somewhere to go Online Professional referral School Referral Self referral Telephone Local Free
197. Young Carers YSI

Young Carers' Club at Y Sort It

If you are aged 12-18 and provide care and support to others, including parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, then you are a young carer. If you are aged 12-25 and would like to meet with other young carers then contact Y Sort-it to find out more about their young carers clubs in Clydebank and Dumbarton.

Phone: 0141 941 3308


Services & somewhere to go Online Professional referral School Referral Self referral Telephone National Free
198. Young Composers No Text

Young Composer's Music Forum

A place where composers and musicians have come together to create a collaborative resource from which our users can learn.


Services & somewhere to go Online International Free
201. 205. Young People In Mind And Youth Mentor

Young People in Mind Service

Young People in Mind (YPIM) is for young people aged 0-21 years who are looked after and accommodated in West Dunbartonshire, including young people who are homeless or living in supported/homeless accommodation.

This service is also available to young people aged 16 – 25 who are vulnerable to homelessness whether care-experienced or non-care-experienced.

Young People in Mind offers a variety of therapeutic interventions to this group of young people who might have experienced adverse early life experiences or are struggling with their emotional or mental health.  

The service aims to promote good mental health and emotional well-being.

YPIM offer individual interventions and consultation with young people and other professionals involved in their support plan.

Phone: 01389 754121


Services & somewhere to go Telephone Local Free
204. Haldane Youth Services

Youth Club Haldane Youth Services

A small non-profit-making children’s charity who provide workshops and experiences for young people aged 8-18 in Haldane and the surrounding area. Hop, Skip and Jump caters for young people in P4-P7 and Ur-Turn caters for young people in S1-S6.


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
201. 205. Young People In Mind And Youth Mentor

Youth Mentoring & Befriending Project

The Youth Mentoring project has been set up to help young people. Mentoring is linking you with an adult who can spend positive time with you and build upon your relationship. It is hoped the relationship will provide you with additional support and the opportunity to try new things.

Phone: 01389 776497


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
51. DACA

DACA (Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol)

DACA is the community alcohol service for West Dunbartonshire, supporting anyone affected by their own or a loved one’s drinking.  Confidential one-to-one counselling and advice, groups and other activities, and a range of health and wellness services are all delivered from offices in Dumbarton and Clydebank.

Phone: DACA Dumbarton – 01389 731456 DACA Clydebank – 0141 952 088


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
Disability Sport Finder

Disability Sports Finder

Find fun and engaging activities in your local area to suit all ages and abilities. Some activities have a cost.


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral School Referral Self referral Local Costs money
Free Condoms

Free Condom Service

Free Condoms Service provides Free Condoms to the population of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to anyone aged 13 or over. Both male and female condoms are available. The service can be used as often as required.


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
Hemat Gryff

Hematt Gryffe Women's Aid

Safe temporary accommodation and culturally sensitive support for women, children, and young people. 

Phone: 0141 353 0859


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
149. Kinship Carer WD Facebook Group

Kinship Care West Dunbartonshire

Our aim is to support families in Kinship Care, whether you are an "informal" or formal kinship carer. 



Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
Salvation Army

Salvation Army Clydebank

Providing practical help for people in need, defending those who are vulnerable and abused, and fighting against injustice, the services provide are diverse, reflecting the needs of the communities served.

Phone: 0141 941 1353


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
Vale Of Leven Trust

Vale of Leven Trust

The Trust's aim is to improve the physical and mental health of local people while reducing isolation in the community.

Phone: 01389 752 629


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Telephone Local Costs money
WD Quit Your Way

WD Quit Your Way

Quit Your Way stop smoking services are local, free, friendly, and here to help you stop smoking.

Helpline number: 0800 916 8858


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Self referral Telephone Local Free
WD Women's Services

WD Women's Safety and Support Services

For women who are experiencing or have survived partner violence or other forms of abuse. You can access the service if: You are a witness at court for domestic abuse or other partner violence You or your partner are receiving a criminal justice social work service You have been charged with a criminal offence and have experienced abuse. Contact is via the web page.


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Self referral Local Free
Food For Thought

Food for Thought

Food for Thought provide emergency food aid parcels to anyone who requires it via drop in sessions with no referral needed.


Phone: 01389 743908 daily 10am - 5pm


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
Old Kilpatrick Food Parcels

Old Kilpatrick Food Parcels

Old Kilpatrick Food Parcels (OKFP) help any resident of Old Kilpatrick, Bowling & Dalmuir, without the need for a referral. 

Phone: 07368 496836


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
178 .183. 186. WDC

Community Pantry

A local service where you pay £2.50 for up to 10 items from fresh, frozen, tins and toiletries. Free drop in cafe, which is open Wednesday & Friday based in Concord Centre, Dumbarton.

Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Costs money
Faifley Foodshare

Faifley Food Share

Faifley Food Share provide emergency food parcels on Tuesday and Friday’s in Faifley Parish Church Hall between 10am and 11am for Faifley residents and between 11am  and 12pm for those from other areas.  No referral is needed.


Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
WD For Families 1462023

WD for Families Hubs

Are you looking for information to support yourself or someone in your family?  

The WD for Families Hubs have 6 skilled outreach workers who can help you access appropriate support at the right time for families in their local communities with;

*Group Session
*1-to-1 Appointment (via Outreach Worker)
*1-to-1 Drop In 
  • Support from Outreach
  • Signposting to a more appropriate support & service
  • Support in referring to another service

The hubs have new activities for 2025!  For dates, times, locations, and more information please scan the QR code to visit the website or click here.


Services & somewhere to go Download Professional referral Self referral Local Free
Incredible Years

Incredible Years in West Dunbartonshire

The Incredible Years groups aim to build a strong parent-child relationship, empower families, and support them to promote healthy development and resilience in their children. Watch the video in the link to find out more.

If you wish to learn more please speak to your child’s teacher or health visitor, or email

Phone: 01389 828 242


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral Local Free
Mentor Scotland

Mentor Scotland

A peer-to-peer support group for everyone aged 16+, offering a safe, non-judgmental space for people to share their experiences and help break the stigma attached to mental health. Their aim is to connect individuals in a community, providing a supportive environment where people can help each other through shared experiences.

They offer various mental health and wellbeing groups, including meditation, cold water sessions, health walks, badminton, men-only and women-only talking groups, and a friendly drop-in for tea, coffee, and a catch-up with like-minded individuals. Their Friday evening support group is open to all, with drop-in and talking groups available.

End the stigma ❤️


Phone: 07470 461685


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
Dads Rock Logo

Dads Rock

Improving outcomes for children in Scotland to ensure the best start in life by providing support to Dads and families. 

We welcome ALL Dads/Male carers from families of all shapes and sizes, any nationality and including gay, trans and non-binary Dads at our groups and activities.

Dads Rock also advocates for Young Dads (aged 30 or under) and help build resilience and disrupt the cycle of adversity and trauma. They work alongside Young Dads and their families in Edinburgh and Glasgow (any young dad with an EH or G postcode) to give young Dads the skills and confidence to enjoy the experience of being a father.


Phone: 07807498709


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Telephone National Free
106. NHSGGC Healthy Minds

NHSGGC Perinatal Mental Health Service

Scotland’s first specialist perinatal mental health inpatient and community service for mothers, babies and their families. We are a comprehensive service providing care and treatment to women who are pregnant or are up to one year postnatal and are at risk of, or are affected by, mental illness. We also offer expert advice to women considering pregnancy if they are at risk of a serious mental illness.


Phone: 0141 211 6500 for professionals


Website Services & somewhere to go Professional referral National Free
106. NHSGGC Healthy Minds

Wee Minds Matter

A specialist multi-disciplinary infant mental health service working with babies and their families during pregnancy and up to three years. The service aims to raise awareness of infant mental health for all professionals providing essential support to families. This includes midwives, health visitors, family nurses, GPs and other health, social care and early years professionals.

Phone: 0141 201 0808 for professionals


Website Services & somewhere to go Professional referral National Free
WD For Families 1462023

Neurodevelopmental Sessions

Support and education sessions for Parents and carers with children awaiting or diagnosed neurodevelopmental need. 


Phone: 01389 818530


Services & somewhere to go Professional referral School Referral Self referral Local Free
Clydebank Can Logo

Clydebank Can

Clydebank Can is a community-based project that aims to bring to life the canal and bandstand area of Three Queen’s Square in Clydebank. It will bring more arts and leisure activities into the area for local people to enjoy, giving everyone in the community more opportunity to take part in events and activities which improve health and wellbeing, and increase social and economic activity in the area.

The website also contains a 'What's On' section with a wealth of information on local events, clubs, activities and more.


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Local Free
Moments Of Freedom Logo

Moments of Freedom

Moments of Freedom, led by New Scot women resettled in Clydebank, is a safe space for women to come together to be themselves, make connections, and share their skills and expertise to shape the local community for the meaningful integration of families


Website Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Free
Street League

Street League

Street League supports young people holistically, recognising the inextricable links between wellbeing, health and employment. They use the power of sport to help young people, aged 14 to 30, who face personal barriers to employment to improve their wellbeing, secure employment and have a brighter future. They work in schools, communities, and with employers to equip young people with the confidence, motivation, essential skills and qualifications needed to succeed in the world of work.

Phone: 0800 331 7600


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Local Free
Sea Cadets

Sea Cadets Clydebank

Clydebank Sea Cadets aim to give young people an experience that will help them grow into the person they want to be in a safe and friendly environment. Through various activities and adventures, we learn teamwork, respect, loyalty, self-confidence, commitment, self-discipline, honesty and how to be the best version of ourselves.

Phone: 07491248882


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free

Clydebank Sub-Aqua Club

Clydebank Sub Aqua Club will teach you to dive in a safe, controlled manner. You will learn all the skills necessary to enjoy exploring the underwater scenery around Scotland. For anyone aged 14+ years.


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Local Costs money
Clydesdale Harriers

Clydesdale Harriers Athletic Club

A fully inclusive, forward-looking club with a dedicated coaching team on hand,  based in Clydebank. New members of all abilities are welcome, whatever their standard. A warm friendly welcome is assured!


Website Services & somewhere to go Self referral Local Costs money
WDVAWGP Colour On White Logo (1)

West Dunbartonshire Violence Against Women and Girls Partnership

West Dunbartonshire’s Violence against Women Partnership is a multiagency mechanism that works collaboratively to provide support to all victims of Gender-Based Violence and reduce its prevalence in the area. If you, or someone you know, are experiencing Domestic Abuse or other forms of GBV, we have resources and support services in the area. You can find more information on local specialist services and national resources on our website. 


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
Building Connections Nspcc

NSPCC Building Connections Loneliness Suppport

Building Connections is an online service for children and young people between the ages of 9 and 19, empowering them to find a way through loneliness.

Young people work with a trained befriender, who guides them and champions them each step of the way. Building Connections gives young people tools that can help them build their confidence and better equip them to manage loneliness.

Referrals can be made to the service by a professional, with the consent of the child or young person and their parent or carer (link to form in 'making a referral' section).


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Professional referral School Referral National Free
Improving Lives Logo

Improving Lives West Dunbartonshire

Improving Lives aims to alleviate the stress and isolation that can come with living with a disability by making things more accessible to everyone and helping people to make improvements to their own lives. 

They believe everyone should be able to access the support and information they need quickly and easily. They are also passionate about making sport accessible to everyone.

Phone: 0141 237 4560


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Parenting (4)

Positives Pathways for Parents

Are you a parent living in West Dunbartonshire who has been long-term unemployed, or on a low income and claiming benefits? 

If so, you can attend a free employability course held at your child's school. Free childcare will be available during the course. For full details, please see the flyer.

Register by clicking on the flyer or call the number for more information.

Phone: 07398203426


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ND Assess Young People Image

Neurodevelopmental Assessment Appointment Information Leaflet for Young People

This leaflet provides information for young people who have been referred for a neurodevelopmental assessment in West Dunbartonshire. It explains why you may have been referred for an assessment, and describes what to expect during and after the appointment.

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ND Assess Parent Carer Image

Neurodevelopmental Assessment Appointment Information for Parents and Carers

This leaflet provides information for parents and carers of children and young people who have been referred for a neurodevelopmental assessment in West Dunbartonshire. It describes common neurodevelopmental conditions, explains the assessment process, and provides links for further information.

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ND Assess Children Image

Neurodevelopmental Assessment Appointment Information for Children

This leaflet explains what to expect during a fun meeting with our team in West Dunbartonshire, where you’ll do activities like looking at pictures, playing with toys, and solving puzzles. You can also tell us what you like and don't like to do, and ask us questions. 

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Cerebral Palsy Scotland

Cerebral Palsy Scotland

Cerebral Palsy Scotland is a charity that improves the lives of children and adults with cerebral palsy through specialist therapy, support and information.

Therapy is the key treatment for people with cerebral palsy. We work with children and adults, supporting them to solve physical things they are finding challenging day-to-day, stay active, maintain mobility, live more independently and avoid or reduce pain.

They have a range of therapy programmes for children and adults available right now. Some are available at no cost to the people accessing them. Others are part-funded. They encourage anyone interested to get in touch as there are many different ways they can support children, families and individuals to access services, including through Self-Directed Support. Go to the 'How We Help' page to see more.

Phone: 01413525000


Website Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral National Costs money
Compass Logo


Compass is for young people preparing for change, and for parents and carers of young people aged 14-26 who have additional support needs of any kind, including learning disabilities, physical or mental health difficulties, autism, complex or profound disabilities, and experience of care (either as a young carer or a care experienced young person). Compass helps you explore choices and make confident decisions about your future.

Compass also supports parents and carers of young people in Scotland who need help as they make the transition to young adult life.

There is also a version of Compass for professionals and practitioners who are supporting young people and their families through the transition to young adult life.


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Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland is Scotland's largest health charity, dedicated to helping individuals with chest, heart, and stroke conditions live life to the fullest. Everyone deserves to thrive after such health challenges, but many people experience fear, isolation, and loneliness, often struggling to cope. They can help.

The charity's nurses, support workers, and volunteers ensure that no one recovers alone. Through their Community Healthcare Support Service, they provide vital support to help people across Scotland lead fulfilling lives despite their health conditions.

Supports include Community Healthcare Support, phone support,supported physical activities, peer support, and advice leaflets. Online learning modules are available for professionals.  


Phone: 808 801 0899


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