
Aberlour Children's Urgent Assistance Fund
Aberlour provides cash grants to families experiencing extreme hardship. Its grants can be used for food, utilities, clothing, bedding, new appliances, appliance repairs or other essentials. To qualify for a grant, families must include a child under the age of 21 who is suffering extreme hardship. Referrals are made via the application form on Aberlour’s website. They must be submitted by a sponsor such as a social worker or health visitor.
Phone: 0800 0856 150

access2safety specialist language support service helps overcome the barriers to services vulnerable black and minority ethnic women can experience – particularly services for domestic abuse, sexual abuse, rape, exploitation or abusive cultural practices. Costs

Action for Children
Action for Children's Family Support Volunteer Service helps children and young people and their families by providing practical and emotional care and support.

Amina: The Muslim Women's Resource Centre
Amina MWRC offers a range of programmes to support, empower and improve the lives of Muslim and BME women living in Scotland. It provides a helpline and webchat for confidential support and advice, telephone befriending, employability support, financial advice and advocacy, and a preventative programme to challenge misogyny and violence against women in the Muslim and BME communities.
Helpline number: 0808 801 0301
Phone: 0141 212 8420

Anna Freud Centre
The Anna Freud Centre transforms mental health by working with infants, children, young people and their families, their communities and professionals to deliver timely evidence-based support for all.

Awkward Moments
Awkward Moments worked with young people across Scotland to create these films to help improve conversations about sex and consent.

Aye Mind
Aye Mind inspires professionals to confidently use digital technologies to support young people's mental health and wellbeing.

Baby Box (Parent Club website)
The Baby Box helps families prepare for the arrival of their baby. With a free box packed full of clothes, bedding and lots of other useful things to help give your baby the best possible start in life. The Box also provides a safe and comfy place for your wee one to sleep. It comes complete with a mattress and bedding that fits perfectly.

Beat Eating Disorders
Beat Eating Disorders provides information, facts and help from those who know how to make a difference. Find local services or contact the helpline.
Helpline number: 0808 801 0432

Benefits and Grants
Information from the Scottish Government on benefits, funds and grants including Child Benefit and tax credits.

Beyond Your Limits (EY Foundation)
The Beyond Your Limits programme, run by the EY Foundation, supports care-experienced young people to realise their potential. It offers a two-year programme in bite-sized chunks to fit around school or college, with paid work experience, a bursary, employability training, mentoring, and a progression coach.
Phone: 0207 951 3133

BRAVE was developed for children and teenagers who experience Separation Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Specific Phobia, and Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

Buttle UK: Chances for Children
Buttle pay for things for children and young people whose parent or carers cannot otherwise afford. Applications are strictly for children who have experienced a recent crisis that had a significant and lasting impact on their social wellbeing, emotional wellbeing and educational engagement. All three areas of the child’s life must have been impacted. The family must also be engaging with supports and actively moving on from their crisis.
Phone: 020 7828 7311

Campaign Against Living Miserably
CALM has a website, helpline 5pm -midnight and webchat open 365 days a year, offering practical suggestions for all of life's problems - whether that's anxiety, relationship concerns, health worries, money worries or suicidal thoughts.
Helpline number: 0800 58 58 58

Charlie Waller Resource Library
Charlie Waller works with young people, parents and carers, schools, colleges, universities and employers to give people the confidence and skills to look after their mental health.

Children 1st and Parentline
Children 1st works to keep children safe, loved and well and together with their families. They offer practical, emotional and financial support to prevent and protect children and their families from harm and to support them to recover from trauma and abuse. If your family are feeling stressed or anxious Children 1st Parentline can help.
Helpline number: 08000 28 22 33

Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing for Schools
CYPMH provides a Professional Learning Resource from the Scottish Government on Mental Health and Wellbeing. It has been designed for all staff working in schools across Scotland.

Children in Need Emergency Essentials
BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme supports children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances. The programme provides items that meet a child’s most basic needs such as a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide a hot meal and other items or services critical to a child’s wellbeing. All applications must be made by a registered referrer.

Cruse Bereavement Support Scotland
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland provides professional support for bereaved adults, children and families across Scotland. They also train and educate individuals and organisations to help bereaved people.
Helpline number: 0808 802 6161

Developing the Young Workforce
DYW's part of the Young Person's Guarantee, provides easily accessible programmes and packaged activity support to young people at different ages and stages to prepare for the world of work.

Ditch the Label
Ditch the Label helps young people aged 12-25 years navigate the issues affecting them the most; from mental health and bullying to identity and relationships.

Police Scotland
Police Scotland's website has an Advice and Information page. Included are pages on:
- child abuse
- counter terrorism
- domestic abuse
- drugs (harm prevention)
- hate crime
- internet safety
- online student safety guide
- rape and sexual crime
- safe nights out
- stalking
- victims and witnesses

Smart Futures (EY Foundation)
Smart Futures is a 10-month programme from the EY Foundation which includes paid work experience, interactive employability skills training and mentoring for those in Year 12 or S5 in Scotland. The Smart Futures programme is formally recognised and accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Mangement, and will help you develop key skills that are essential in the workplace.
EY Foundation is an independent charity supporting young people from low-income backgrounds get paid work experience, employability skills training and career guidance. Programmes are exclusively for young people who are aged 16 and above, and have been recently eligible for free school meals, a college bursary or Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). There is also a specific programme designed for young people with experience in care.

Families Outside
Families Outside provides help, information and support for families affected by imprisonment via a Helpline and Regional Family Support Coordinators. They also provide training and information to professionals who come into contact with families affected by imprisonment, such as teachers, social workers, health professionals, the police, and prison staff.
Helpline number: 0800 254 0088

Family Holiday Charity
The Family Holiday Charity helps families get time away together, often for the first time ever.

Family Lives
Family Lives provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families. Online advice available on a range of family related issues.
Helpline number: 0808 800 2222

Fumble is a digital sexual health and relationships education resource with reliable, relatable content on intimacy, relationships, identity, health and wellbeing.

Future Pathways
Future Pathways supports adults who were subject to abuse in a care setting as children by providing support with work and education, housing and benefits, counselling and trauma support, and access to records.
Phone: 0808 164 2005

Gingerbread provides information to help single parents support themselves and their family. They also campaign to reduce stigma against single parents, and make services more accessible to all families – whatever their shape or size.

Glasspool provides timely, small, one-off grants to individuals, couples and families for everyday items to help them cope when things get tough, equip them to manage better day-to-day and enable them to build a stronger future. Applications are invited via the website from support agencies on behalf of the people they support.

Happy Maps
HappyMaps website pools some of the best mental health resources for parents and carers, and for young people and children, in one place.

Health Talks - Drugs and Alcohol
In this section of the Health Talks website you can find out about the experience of drugs and alcohol, by listening to young people share their personal stories on film.

Includem works with young people and families to help them transform their lives. They work with social services, schools and criminal justice services to identify which young people could benefit from support, then engage with the young person and their family or carer to develop a package tailored to their specific needs.
Helpline number: 0808 800 0408
Phone: 0141 427 0523

KIDS - Kids Independently Developing Skills
Helping children and young people to live meaningful, healthy, independent lives. Information from NHS staff for young people, families and professionals. You can find out about attending hospital and clinic appointments, with examples of children and young people’s experiences with health services. There are also links to supporting websites and other sources of help.

Kinship Care Advice Service
The Kinship Care Advice Service for Scotland (KCASS) provides FREE, confidential, impartial advice to Kinship Families and Professionals working with them.
Helpline number: 0808 800 0006

Know the Score
Whether you’ve taken drugs, are thinking of taking them, or are just curious and want to know more, it’s important to know the real facts about drugs.

LEAP Sports Scotland
LEAP Sports Scotland (Leadership, Equality and Active Participation in Sports for LGBTI people in Scotland) works for greater inclusion for LGBTI people in sport and against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in a sports context. We are committed to breaking down the structural, social and personal barriers which prevent lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people across the country from accessing, participating and excelling in Scottish sports.
Phone: 0141 202 0777

LGBT Domestic Abuse Support
The LGBT Domestic Abuse project works across Scotland to raise awareness of LGBT people's experiences of domestic abuse and improve service responses to LGBT people who experience domestic abuse and other forms of gender based violence.
Helpline number: a range of helpline information is available on the website

LGBT Foundation
LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.
Phone: 0345 3 30 30 30

LGBT Health and Wellbeing
Promoting the health, wellbeing and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT+) adults (16+) in Scotland. We welcome the entire diversity of our LGBT+ community including non-binary, queer, intersex, asexual people and all identities under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella
Phone: 0300 123 2523

LGBT HERO is the national health and wellbeing charity supporting over 100,000 LGBTQ+ people a month by providing trusted information, advice and various types of support including one-to-one, group and peer-support.

LGBT Youth Curriculum
LGBT Mapping Across Curriculum for Excellence - offering pupils opportunities to understand LGBT identities and experiences.

LGBT Youth Scotland
Scotland’s national charity for LGBTI young people, working with 13–25 year olds across the country. We also deliver the LGBT Charter programme to schools, organisations and businesses. Our goal is to make Scotland the best place to grow up for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people.
Phone: 0141 552 7425

Lifesigns provides information about self-injury and supports people as and when they choose to make changes in their lives.

Link Up West Dunbartonshire
A free to access community website helping local people and organisations share skills, spaces and things.

Living Life
A free phone service run by a team of therapists, offering appointment-based telephone support based on cognitive behavioural therapy for anyone in Scotland over 16 years of age with low mood, mild to moderate depression, or anxiety.
Helpline number: 0800 328 9655

Lomond and Argyll Advocacy Service
We aim to provide independent advocacy to adults in our priority groups: adults with a learning disability, adults who use mental health services, and people over 65.
Phone: 01389 726543

Support for transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families. Mermaids has evolved into one of the UK’s leading LGBTQ+ charities, empowering thousands of people with its secure online communities, local community groups, helpline services, web resources, events and residential weekends.
Helpline number: 0808 801 0400

Mind Yer Time
Designed by children and young people from the Children's Parliament and the Scottish Youth Parliament, Mind Yer Time has been created to support everyone who loves social media and screen time. We've got positive tips, stories and information for children and young people, to help you use your screen time positively!

MindEd is a free educational resource on children, young people, adults and older people's mental health. Find information for Professionals and Volunteers, for Education and Healthcare staff working in Education Settings, and for Parents and Carers.

Mood Gym
The Moodgym app is like an interactive self-help book which helps you to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.

My World of Work
My World of Work is Scotland’s career information and advice website. The site is designed to support everyone develop their career management skills, no matter what stage you’re at in your career.

NACOA (National Association of Children of Alcoholics)
Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking via a website, webchat and a free helpline.
Helpline number: 0800 358 3456

National Bullying Helpline
Information and advice for anyone dealing with bullying.
Helpline number: 0300 323 0169
Phone: 0845 225 5787

National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Free, confidential advice to people experiencing domestic abuse. 24 hour helpline. Live webchat available via the website.
Helpline number: 0808 2000 247

NHS GGC Healthy Minds resources
This awareness-raising resource from NHS GGC aims to promote basic awareness and understanding of mental health and topics that are associated with and can impact on mental health and wellbeing.

NHS Inform
NHS inform is Scotland's national health information service helping the people in Scotland to make informed decisions about their own health and the health of the people they care for. Also includes a service directory with details of health and wellbeing services across Scotland.

One Parent Families Scotland
One Parent Families Scotland aims to enable single parent families to achieve their potential, to reach a decent standard of living and contribute to Scottish society.
The Lone Parent Helpline provides free, confidential advice and support to single parents. Call us about anything from dealing with a break-up, sorting out child maintenance, understanding benefits, money when having a baby, studying or moving into work.
Helpline number: 0808 801 0323

Papyrus - Prevention of young suicide and HOPELINE
PAPYRUS UK is a charity for the prevention of young suicide (under 35) and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.
HOPELINEUK advisers want to work with you to understand why thoughts of suicide might be present. They provide a safe space to talk through anything happening in your life that could be impacting on your or anyone else’s ability to stay safe.
Helpline number: 0800 068 4141

Parent Club is an online resource offering information, advice and guidance on all aspects of parenting including breastfeeding, children’s behaviour, healthy eating, play, sleep and online safety. Parent Club distributes Baby Boxes on behalf of the Scottish Government.
The Parent Club Teen Hub is packed with resources, advice and ideas over a range of topics, such as how to help your teen if they are struggling with mental health to more light-hearted topics like how to be a great parent.

Partners in Advocacy
Independent advocacy for children, young people, adults and older people across Scotland. Providing independent advocacy to support people to have their voices heard, their opinions respected and to be involved in the important decisions that affect their lives.
Phone: 0141 847 0660

PETAL: People Experiencing Trauma or Loss
Telephone and face to face counselling and support for families and friends of murder and suicide victims including support for children and young people.
Phone: 01698 324 502

For advice about rights to education and support for children in Scotland. REACH can help you understand your rights to support with your learning and your rights to be included, listened to and involved in decisions about your education.

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Resource
The national resource for relationships, sexual health and parenthood (RSHP) education for children and young people. The resource can be used in early learning settings, schools, colleges and community-based learning. It is organised to sit within Curriculum for Excellence.

Richmond's Hope
Richmond’s Hope provides support for children and young people aged 4-18 years who have been bereaved. The website has a range of information leaflets and resources to download. Refer a child or young person to the service online.
Phone: 0141 230 6123

Runaway Helpline
Runaway Helpline can help if you are thinking about running away, if you have already run away, or if you have been away and come back. You can also contact if you are worried that someone else is going to run away or if they are being treated badly or abused.
Helpline number: call or text 116 000

Salvesen Mindroom Centre
Salvesen Mindroom Centre is a charity that champions all forms of neurodiversity and supports all kinds of minds. Their multi-disciplinary team can offer advice, information and one-to-one support. You do not need a diagnosis to get their help.
Phone: 0131 370 6730

Samaritans Developing Emotional Awareness and Listening
Samaritans supports schools, college communities and other youth settings through suicide with our postvention services, lesson plans and school talks.

Scotland’s Redress Scheme
Scotland’s Redress Scheme is for survivors of historical child abuse in care in Scotland. It has been set up to recognise and acknowledge what happened, and the harm this abuse caused. The scheme covers: physical abuse sexual abuse emotional abuse neglect You can apply for Scotland’s Redress Scheme if you were abused: as a child (when you were 17 years old or younger) before 1 December 2004 in Scotland in a relevant care setting.
Helpline number: 0800 211 8403

Scottish Child Law Centre
Free expert legal advice on children’s rights and child law across Scotland. Our free confidential legal advice service is provided via telephone and email, on all aspects of Scots law relating to children and young people. All calls and emails are answered by fully qualified solicitors.
Phone: 0131 667 6333 on a Tuesday from 0930-1600

Scottish Kinship Care Alliance
Kinship carers are individuals, often family members who look after relatives children to help prevent them entering, or to remove them from the care system. Scottish Kinship Care Alliance has been set up to address the inequality that besets children in Kinship Care.
Phone: 0141 237 5960

Scottish Refugee Council
Practical support, advice and a listening ear delivered through a direct services to help people rebuild their lives in a sustainable and meaningful way. The Scottish Refugee Council also works with communities and community groups. They speak out against an unjust asylum system and campaign for policy changes that make a positive difference to people’s lives.
Helpline number: 0808 196 7274

Scottish Women's Rights Centre
A unique collaborative project providing free legal information, advice, representation and advocacy support to self-identifying women in Scotland affected by violence and abuse.
Helpline number: 08088 010 789

Scratch is the world's largest free coding community for kids aged 8-16 years. Create stories, games and animations and share with the world. Scratch is a safe and playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. Includes links to Scratch Jr (ages 5-7) and Scratch for Education.

Seasons for Growth
The Seasons for Growth programme helps children and young people aged 6-18 years with bereavement, and is delivered by trained Companions in many schools, community organisations and local agencies across Scotland.

See Me
See Me is Scotland's national programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination, encouraging people to take action to make a difference. You can be part of that change by joining a movement of thousands of people across Scotland.
Visit the See Us pages and get all the tools and resources you need to take action.
Sign up to be part of the See Us movement and you'll receive an action activity pack, get updates on what is happening and how you can get involved, and receive our monthly See Change mail out, which focuses on where stigma exists and what you can do to tackle it.

Self Harm Alumina
Free online self-harm support for 10-17 year olds. Alumina groups are online support groups made up of up to 14 young people and 2 leaders, and meet online once a week for 7 weeks. They offer a friendly, inclusive, non-judgmental space offering tools and ideas to help you reflect on your journey and what might be the next right step for you, as you move towards a life free from self-harm. You don’t need an adult to refer you or sign you up, and no-one will see or hear you during the sessions – you’ll just join in via the chatbox.

SHOUT Crisis text service
Shout is the UK's first and only free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.
Helpline number: 85258 free text support service

Sleep Action (formerly Sleep Scotland)
The leading provider of sleep support, training and resources in the UK, working with professionals, families and employers to promote healthy sleep for everyone. Information and techniques to help you support your child or teenager to get a great night’s sleep

Stay Alive
This app is a pocket suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide. In addition to the resources, the app includes a safety plan, customisable reasons for living, and a LifeBox where you can store photos that are important to you.

Staying Safe from Suicidal Thoughts
If you’re struggling and you’re not sure if you want to live or die, can you, just for now, hold off making this decision and visit this website for some ideas about how to get through. There may be things that you - and other people - can do to make things better.

stem4 - supporting teenage mental health
Stem4 promotes positive mental health in teenagers and those who support them. Discover stem4's free guides to manage mental health issues, free supportive apps and mental health videos.

Teen Sleep Hub
The one stop shop for all you need to know about sleep. If you’re looking for advice on how to sleep better, would like tips on tweaking your routine or help to understand the science behind your sleep patterns, you’ll find it all here.
Phone: 03303 530 541

The Mix
The Mix is a UK based charity that provides free, confidential support for young people under 25 via online, social and mobile.
Phone: 0808 808 4994

The Proud Trust
The Proud Trust is an LGBT+ organisation that supports LGBT+ young people through youth groups, peer support, mentoring programs and the Proud Connections chat service
Phone: 0161 660 3347

Think You Know
The National Crime Agency's CEOP Education team aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse through an education programme, providing training, resources and information to professionals working with children, young people and their families. Age specific videos and webpages are also available on this site.

Time for You - SAMH support service
Time for You is an online wellbeing support service for anyone experiencing mild to moderate emotional or mental health difficulties aged 16 and over and living in Scotland. Time for You offers access to Wellbeing Coaching and Counselling for anyone experiencing symptoms that have a limited effect on their daily life.

Togetherall provides an anonymous peer-to-peer forum for anyone in West Dunbartonshire aged 16 years and over. It offers self-assessment for anxiety and depression, as well as short online courses around grief and stress management. There is a 24 hour service for online chat with wellbeing advisors to support you in maintaining your mental health and wellbeing.

Tullochan supports both young people aged 5-25 and those aged 25+ through a range of development programmes delivered from our Tullochan Training Academy, within Primary/Secondary schools or through their Social Enterprises. Programmes such as Timber Transitions, Furniture Fix, Gardening & Landscaping, Personal Development, Work Placements within their cafe 'The Common Good', or Employability sessions are on offer, alongside LGBTQ+ Youth Action Group and High School Drop-in Youth Club. Their support allows young people and the wider community to improve their mental health and wellbeing, break down barriers and progress positively into education, employment or training.

Turn2Us helps people in financial need gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help - online, by phone, or face to face through our partner organisations.

Underlined is a community of book nerds and aspiring writers, make Underlined your official book destination and start reading with us today!

WD Strategic Skills & Support Pipeline
The Strategic Skills Pipeline is a key element in West Dunbartonshire's employability and employment strategy. The Pipeline provides a route map identifying national and local service provision that is available to support residents into employment through a staged process, at the core of which, is the identification of individual need.

WD Community Volunteering Service (CVS)
WDCVS supports, promotes and develops volunteering and third sector activity across the West Dunbartonshire local authority area.

WDC Benefits and Grants
Advice and information on benefits and grants managed by the council and central government including: Universal Credit, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction Benefits, Home repair assistance grant, Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods, Scottish Child Payment and cost of living advice
Phone: 01389 738555

WDC Housing Information
Information on all areas of housing including: Council housing maintenance and repairs, energy advice and fuel poverty, housing options and Homeless Services, supported and sheltered housing

WDC Working 4U
West Dunbartonshire Council Working4U service was established to improve the quality of lives of West Dunbartonshire residents by assisting them to overcome barriers to social and economic inclusion. Working 4U help people to access a wide range of employment, training and learning opportunities designed to help them overcome barriers, develop their skills and assist them in their journey towards work
Phone: 01389 738296

WD Parenting Information
This page provides an easy one stop access to a range of useful and informative sites that will provide you with guidance and support irrespective of the age of your child or young person.

WD School and Educational Grants
Information on school and educational grants available within West Dunbartonshire.

WD Schools and Learning
Local schools' contact details, information on term dates, extra-curricular activities, how to apply for childcare and more.

Who Cares? Scotland
Who Cares? Scotland supports care experienced people to have their voice heard and we make that happen in a number of ways. Website includes a page for children under 11 years.

Young Minds
Young minds provide young people with tools to look after their mental health. The website is full of advice and information on what to do if you're struggling with how you feel. There is also information to empower parents and adults who work with young people, to be the best support they can be to the young people in their lives.

Young Minds - Drugs and Alcohol
Facts on drugs and alcohol, how they can affect your mental health, and advice on what to do if you need support.

Young Persons' Free Bus Travel Scheme
Free travel on any bus in any part of Scotland on registered bus services. You can travel on buses outside the area you live in using your card. How you apply depends on where you live and the age of the young person.

Dyslexia Scotland
Empowering people with dyslexia to reach their full potential.

Advice, information, and support services for those affected by Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD), and campaign to end the trivialisation and stigma of OCD.
Phone: 01332 588112

Help for bullied children, advice to help you support your child if they are being bullied, and guidance for adults working with children.
Helpline number: Parent Advice Line: 07496 682785

Therapy Comics
Improving access to mental health treatment by developing therapy resources using images instead of text.

Wee Seeds
Mindfulness for mini-minds. Nurture calm children and future-proof their mental health by teaching your children focus, calm, sleep, gratitude, kindness, resilience and positive mental health. Wee Seeds is a programme of resources to teach children wellbeing skills, through scientifically proven techniques like mindfulness, meditation and movement.

Anxiety UK
Offers a range of innovative and high quality services delivered by professionals. Free resources to download on a range of anxiety conditions.
Helpline number: 03444 775 774

Celsis: Your right to Continuing Care
If you are a looked after young person living with foster carers, kinship carers or you live in residential care this is important information for you. This site helps explain your rights and what you are entitled to.

Child Poverty Action Group
Child Poverty Action Group works on behalf of the more than one in four children in the UK growing up in poverty. They work to understand what causes poverty, the impact it has on children's lives, and how it can be prevented and solved for good.

Children and Young People's Comissioner Scotland
Get help, information and advice about your human rights, and find out the ways you can get involved in the work done by the Children and Young People's Commissioner and team.
Phone: 0800 019 1179

Children's Health Scotland
The only charity in Scotland dedicated to informing, promoting and campaigning on the healthcare needs and rights of all children and young people.
Phone: 0131 553 6553

Cost of Living Campaign
Scottish Government website on the supports available to help with the cost of living

Dumbarton Credit Union
Dumbarton Credit Union is a savings and loans co-operative owned and managed by its members all of whom live or work in 'G' postcode area. Save with the credit union first and then borrow from a local alternative to banks and money lenders.
Phone: 01389 768585

Fathers' Network Scotland
Fathers' Network Scotland is improving children's lives through the positive involvement of dads, father-figures & whole families.

Fear Free Scotland
Support for people experiencing domestic abuse in Scotland who identify as a man or from the LGBT+ community.
Phone: 0131 624 7270

Heads Up Mental Health Support
NHS GGC information on mental health conditions, mental health advice, how you can support yourself or the people you care for, the services available to you and the range of interventions.

Independent Living Fund
Provides funding and support to help people in Scotland with a disability live independently.
Phone: 0300 200 2022

National Trauma Training Programme
Being ‘Trauma Informed’ means being able to recognise when someone may be affected by trauma, collaboratively adjusting how we work to take this into account and responding in a way that supports recovery, does no harm and recognises and supports people's resilience. This is a set of resources to promote and implement trauma informed practice within Scotland.

Safer Scotland
A website from the Scottish Government with information on the different support services available to you if you have been subject to domestic or intimate image abuse.

Scotland's Service Directory
Details of health and wellbeing services in Scotland. Includes GP practices, dental services and support groups.

Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Team
STAF is Scotland's national membership organisation for all of those involved in the lives of young people leaving care. The site includes a page with information on financial support for both care leavers and care experienced young people.
Phone: 0141 465 7511

Self Harm Network Scotland
Self-Harm Network Scotland provides compassionate support, resources, and information to people who self-harm. They also provide support and information to friends, families and professionals.

Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland provide a wide variety of information, advice and tools to help you get a job from their centres based in Dumbarton and Clydebank.
Phone: 0800 917 8000

Stonewall Scotland
Stonewall Scotland works with education, employment and public services to ensure they develop better policies which will lead to better lives for LGBT people, whilst also campaigning for changes in legislation and attitudes.

The Promise
The Promise Scotland supports Scotland to keep its promise to care experienced children and families. The promise is that Scotland's children and young people will grow up loved, safe and respected. To keep it, Scotland must bring about the change demanded by the Independent Care Review, built on what children and young people had to say.

The Scottish Refugee Council
A charity dedicated to supporting people in need of refugee protection.
Helpline number: 0808 1967 274

United to Prevent Suicide
A social movement of people from all across Scotland, united in a shared belief that each and every one of us has a role to play in preventing suicide.

WD Council emergencies, safety and crime
Information on emergencies such as power cuts, issues with water supply, flood alerts. Also includes advice and support for people affected by crime, offenders and their families.

WD Fostering and Adoption
Foster families are urgently needed for children of all ages, sometimes children on their own or with their brothers and sisters, with a wide range of needs. It doesn't matter if you are married, divorced, living with a partner or single: own or rent your home: have a job or not. Applicants are welcome from all sections of the community. The one thing that everyone must have is a commitment to children and young people and preferably a spare room.
Phone: 01389 776414

Young Scot - Care Experience Support
Benefits, support and places to go for help if you've been in care or are a care leaver in Scotland.

Everything we do protects children today and prevents abuse tomorrow, to transform society for every childhood. Support and tips to help you keep children safe - from advice on children's mental health to staying safe online, as well as support for parents.
The voice helpline for adults concerned about a child is available 10am–4pm Monday to Friday. You can also send an email or complete a 'report abuse online' form at any time for free via the website. You don’t have to say who you are.
Helpline number: 0808 800 5000 10am-4pm Monday - Friday

Internet Matters
A site that empowers parents and carers to keep children safe in a digital world. Includes guides on a range of topics including Inappropriate Content, Online Grooming, and Sexting.
It also includes an Index of Online Harms, which highlights the indicators and behaviours that may be of concern and offers suggested interventions and escalations. In particular, the resource aims to support professionals working with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs, children and young people with a neurodiversity, those who are LGBTQ+ as well as care-experienced children and young people.

Scottish Drugs Forum
Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) is Scotland’s national resource of expertise on drugs and related issues.

I Am Me
Changing attitudes and behaviours so that disabled and vulnerable people can feel safe within their communities. Keep Safe is a network of safe places for anyone who may feel lost, scared or vulnerable when out in the community.
Includes information on a new app 'Keep Safe Kids' which brings together a selection of organisations who provide information and support for issues which may affect young people.
Also includes the I Am Me Learning Platform - an exciting suite of online resources supporting the Health & Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes for Early Years, Primary & Secondary schools. Developed with, and for, children & young people.

Substance Misuse Toolkit
This online resource contains quality assured substance misuse education resources to support staff working with young people in both education and community settings. Resources include lesson plans, resource packs and relevant websites.

FASD Hub Scotland
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Hub Scotland provide a support service for parents/ carers (adoptive and biological parents, foster carers, kinship carers and step parents) across Scotland who live with children, young people and young adults who have a history of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), with or without an FASD diagnosis.

Scotland's Children's Reporter Administration
The Children's Reporter Administration provide administration to Children’s Hearings. The Children’s Hearings System is the legal system for children and young people in Scotland who are either at risk or who have been caught offending.
Families become involved in the Children’s Hearings System if the child or young person is getting into trouble with the police, there are concerns that they are being abused, they are taking drugs or alcohol, or they are not attending school.
If you have never been involved with the system before, you will have lots of questions. This website should help you.
Phone: 0131 244 8540

Sowing Seeds: Trauma Informed Practice for Anyone Working with Children and Young People
This animation was developed by NHS Education for Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Government. It is designed to be relevant to all workers within the Scottish workforce who work with children and young people. It aims to support staff to understand the impact of trauma and to know how to adapt the way they work to make a positive difference to the lives of children and young people affected by trauma.

Get Self Help
This website provides resources for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).
CBT has been proven to help mental health problems. This website provides CBT self help and therapy resources, including worksheets and information sheets, plus videos and self help mp3s.

Right Decisions - Sexual Health Good Practice Guidance Hub
This good practice guidance hub on relationships and sexual health is for carers and staff supporting care experienced children and young people. This is intended to be utilised across the six local authorities/HSCPs in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area.

Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution
SCCR is a charity based in Edinburgh, Scotland with expertise in mediation. Their award-winning digital resources and free training and events improve understanding of conflict and emotional needs, to transform relationships and lives. The SCCR focuses on early intervention with young people and their families experiencing difficulties and conflict.

ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity
The ADHD Foundation is the UK’s leading neurodiversity charity, offering a strength-based, lifespan service for the 1 in 5 of us who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome and more. The website has a huge range or resources for children and young people, families, and professionals to download or listen to.

ADHD and You
ADHD and You is a website with information on ADHD for people with ADHD, their families and professionals who work with them. ADHD isn't just a childhood condition – it affects young people and adults as well, and can affect all aspects of life, including home, school or workplace and relationships.

Tourette Scotland
Tourette Scotland is a charity providing support, advice and awareness for anyone living with Tourette's in Scotland and their families.

Whizz Kids
The UK’s leading charity supporting young wheelchair users up to 25 years old provides them with the equipment and skills they need to live life as independently as possible. To enjoy all of the opportunities and activities that so many others take for granted ‐ at home, at school, at work and beyond.

Kindred exists to support parents of children with complex needs.
Phone: 0800 031 5793

The charity for families with disabled children. We support families, bring families together and help families take action for others.
Helpline number: 0808 808 3555

Student Mental Health Evidence Hub
A consortium of partners have pooled expertise to produce this open-access digital resource for teachers and student support staff on the Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in Higher Education website. As part of this project, they have collated examples of practice, the best available evidence, and evaluation guidance to improve student mental health support in higher education including a toolkit and other useful resources.

Online Harms - Introduction
An introductory module for staff groups to gain a broader knowledge and understanding of the prevalence and impact that harmful online behaviour and content can have on individuals as well as groups with protected characteristics; and be able to respond by signposting to appropriate help and resources.
Currently a NHS Learnpro account login is required to access

Prince's Trust
Get free support to develop the skills and confidence you need to find a job or start a business. Whatever challenges you’re facing, if you’re aged 16 to 30, The Prince’s Trust is here for you.

Sibs exists to support people who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister. We provide information, support and training on sibling issues for adult siblings, young siblings, parents and professionals.

Mentor Scotland
A peer-to-peer support group for everyone aged 16+, offering a safe, non-judgmental space for people to share their experiences and help break the stigma attached to mental health. Their aim is to connect individuals in a community, providing a supportive environment where people can help each other through shared experiences.
They offer various mental health and wellbeing groups, including meditation, cold water sessions, health walks, badminton, men-only and women-only talking groups, and a friendly drop-in for tea, coffee, and a catch-up with like-minded individuals. Their Friday evening support group is open to all, with drop-in and talking groups available.
End the stigma ❤️
Phone: 07470 461685

The Speech Language Communication Company
Based in Dundee, SLCo is Scotland’s only charity set up to support the needs of children and young people who experience speech, language and communication problems and make sure that their families get the help and guidance they need. SLCo provides an information, guidance and support service for parents and carers, and offers a range of evidence-based therapeutic, skills and activity based support for children and young people.
Helpline number: 01382 250060
Phone: 01382 202644

Enquire is the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning. Providing easy to understand advice and information about additional support for learning legislation and guidance for families and professionals.
Helpline number: 0345 123 2303

Scottish Autism and Right click
Scottish Autism is an organisation dedicated to enabling autistic people to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives, providing a wide range of support services across Scotland for autistic individuals, their families and professionals.
Includes 'Right click' - an online support programmes which enable parents and carers to further understand autism and develop effective skills and strategies to support their family.
Helpline number: 01259 222022
Phone: 01259 720044

Helping make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people, Childnet works directly with children and young people from the ages of 3-18, as well as parents, carers, teachers and professionals, finding out about their real experiences online and the positive things they are doing.

Own It
A place to help you boss your life online. Whatever you need – help and advice, skills or inspiration – we have it covered.
Includes a Parents section - a toolkit to help your kids navigate life online, including handy tips on setting up your child’s first devices and videos addressing your common concerns about online gaming.
There is content for teachers to share in class and build into lessons on online safety and digital wellbeing.

Whole School Approach Framework : Mental Health and Wellbeing
A whole school approach framework for schools to support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing by the Scottish Government.
Recognising that teachers and school staff are not mental health professionals, this framework is intended to provide schools with guidance to assist in the continued support of children and young people's mental health and wellbeing. The mental health and wellbeing of all staff, as well as children and young people, is key to the whole school approach.

The National Childbirth Trust
NCT is here to support you and your unique experience of pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood. Their vision is that everyone who becomes a parent feels confident, connected, and safe.
Helpline number: 0300 330 0700

Dads Rock
Improving outcomes for children in Scotland to ensure the best start in life by providing support to Dads and families.
We welcome ALL Dads/Male carers from families of all shapes and sizes, any nationality and including gay, trans and non-binary Dads at our groups and activities.
Dads Rock also advocates for Young Dads (aged 30 or under) and help build resilience and disrupt the cycle of adversity and trauma. They work alongside Young Dads and their families in Edinburgh and Glasgow (any young dad with an EH or G postcode) to give young Dads the skills and confidence to enjoy the experience of being a father.
Phone: 07807498709

SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health)
Whether you’re living with a mental health problem or supporting someone who is, accessing information about a condition is vital. SAMH provides resources, support and online information to help.
Helpline number: 0344 800 0550

Parenting Across Scotland

Forces Children's Education
This website includes clear and accurate information for education professionals and Armed Forces families in Scotland, with information and resources being added regularly.

NHSGGC Perinatal Mental Health Service
Scotland’s first specialist perinatal mental health inpatient and community service for mothers, babies and their families. We are a comprehensive service providing care and treatment to women who are pregnant or are up to one year postnatal and are at risk of, or are affected by, mental illness. We also offer expert advice to women considering pregnancy if they are at risk of a serious mental illness.
Phone: 0141 211 6500 for professionals

Wee Minds Matter
A specialist multi-disciplinary infant mental health service working with babies and their families during pregnancy and up to three years. The service aims to raise awareness of infant mental health for all professionals providing essential support to families. This includes midwives, health visitors, family nurses, GPs and other health, social care and early years professionals.
Phone: 0141 201 0808 for professionals

Pink Parents
Information for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents and their families.

Nova Foundation
Nova Foundation’s mission is to ensure that all families that experience babyloss and pregnancy loss have the resources they need to survive the intense first year of grief, whilst feeling comforted and less anxious about the future and in any rainbow pregnancies.

Scottish Cot Death Trust
Scottish Cot Death Trust is the only charity in Scotland dedicated to the sudden unexpected death of babies and young children. We make a difference because we; aim to find the answers through funding research, provide support for bereaved families, and educate the public and professionals about sudden unexpected death in infants (SUDI)
Phone: 0141 357 3946

Best Beginnings
A website designed to give every child the best start in life, to inform and empower parents who want to maximise their children's long-term development and well-being. Includes the Baby Buddy app - a free multi-award-winning, interactive pregnancy and parenting app to support parents, co-parents and caregivers. The Baby Buddy app is your personal baby expert who will guide you through your pregnancy and the first six months of your baby's life.

PANDAS perinatal depression awareness and support
PANDAS is a community offering hope, empathy and peer-to-peer support for every parent, family or network affected by perinatal mental illness.
Helpline number: 0808 1961 776

Be Internet Legends
A free programme that empowers young children to use the internet safely and wisely. Includes a Be Internet Legends Curriculum for teachers to download lesson plans to deliver in class, including classroom activities.

UK Safer Internet Centre
Helping children and young people stay safe online. Including guides and resources for a range of audiences
from parents, education, social work, healthcare, and more.
Helpline number: Professionals Online Safety Helpline 0344 381 4772

Social Security Scotland
Social Security Scotland is responsible for managing the benefits that are devolved to Scotland, to make sure the people who need them get them correctly and fairly.
You will find information on the benefits they are delivering and how to find out more about eligibility.
Phone: 0800 182 2222

Working Families
Working Families is the UK’s national charity for working parents and carers. Their mission is to remove the barriers that people with caring responsibilities face in the workplace.
They provide information and free legal advice to parents and carers on their rights at work.
Helpline number: 0300 012 0312

Clydebank Can
Clydebank Can is a community-based project that aims to bring to life the canal and bandstand area of Three Queen’s Square in Clydebank. It will bring more arts and leisure activities into the area for local people to enjoy, giving everyone in the community more opportunity to take part in events and activities which improve health and wellbeing, and increase social and economic activity in the area.
The website also contains a 'What's On' section with a wealth of information on local events, clubs, activities and more.

Trauma Informed Parenting
TIP offers workshops and support for parents, carers, teachers and anyone living or working with children with challenging behaviours due to trauma or additional needs to apply a “trauma lens”. These parenting techniques are for all children, not only children with trauma. In these workshops, the aim is to improve mental health and wellbeing, and change generational patterns of behaviour by giving parents and caregivers an awareness of the trauma-informed approach to reduce challenging behaviours with curiosity, calm and connection.

Sacro is a Scottish community justice organisation which works to deliver life-changing services that empower people, give hope and protection, and help to build safe communities. Sacro provides a wide range of direct, innovative services in Community Justice, Community Safety and Public Protection. All our services are designed to help build safe communities by reducing conflict and offending. The organisation works with a broad range of people, including those harmed by crime and those responsible for that harm.
Phone: 0131 6247270

Moments of Freedom
Moments of Freedom, led by New Scot women resettled in Clydebank, is a safe space for women to come together to be themselves, make connections, and share their skills and expertise to shape the local community for the meaningful integration of families

Mentally Healthy Schools
Mentally Healthy Schools brings together quality-assured mental health resources, information and advice for primary and secondary schools and further education settings in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Street League
Street League supports young people holistically, recognising the inextricable links between wellbeing, health and employment. They use the power of sport to help young people, aged 14 to 30, who face personal barriers to employment to improve their wellbeing, secure employment and have a brighter future. They work in schools, communities, and with employers to equip young people with the confidence, motivation, essential skills and qualifications needed to succeed in the world of work.
Phone: 0800 331 7600

Action for Happiness
The mission of Action for Happiness is to help people create a happier world, with a culture that prioritises happiness and kindness.
They do this by helping people get together regularly (face-to-face where possible) to learn evidence-based skills for happier living, feel a sense of belonging and commit to personal action to create more happiness, both for themselves and others.
They have no religious, political or commercial affiliations and welcome people of all faiths (or none) and all parts of society. Members of the movement make a simple pledge: to try to create more happiness in the world.

Grassroots Suicide Prevention
In the UK, 115 people die by suicide every week. Grassroots Suicide Prevention are working to change that.
They do know that suicides can be prevented with timely intervention and anyone can learn these life-saving skills.
We can all reduce the stigma around suicide by campaigning for change and talking about it openly.
*There is a cost for training courses

Sea Cadets Clydebank
Clydebank Sea Cadets aim to give young people an experience that will help them grow into the person they want to be in a safe and friendly environment. Through various activities and adventures, we learn teamwork, respect, loyalty, self-confidence, commitment, self-discipline, honesty and how to be the best version of ourselves.
Phone: 07491248882

Clydebank Sub-Aqua Club
Clydebank Sub Aqua Club will teach you to dive in a safe, controlled manner. You will learn all the skills necessary to enjoy exploring the underwater scenery around Scotland. For anyone aged 14+ years.

Parenting Mental Health
PMH is one of the few charities in the UK that specifically helps parents who are supporting a child with mental health challenges and whose needs and impact for positive change are all too often overlooked. Current support includes the Partnering not Parenting programme, a safe Facebook community with a variety of sub-groups to reduce isolation, Listening Circles, online support groups, as well as respite care. The work they do equips parents to deal with and cope more effectively with their situation, provides access to free resources, enables more appropriate support, better help for their child and improved mental health within the family.

Clydesdale Harriers Athletic Club
A fully inclusive, forward-looking club with a dedicated coaching team on hand, based in Clydebank. New members of all abilities are welcome, whatever their standard. A warm friendly welcome is assured!

A website with courses you can do to improve your mental wellbeing. You can learn new ways to deal with the challenges you’re facing. Courses are available for students (16yrs+), adults, and parents/carers.
It is free, use the code Scotland2020 and an email address to sign up.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection
Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? The CEOP are here to help and this website has advice for you. You can make a report directly to them if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. They take all reports seriously and will will do everything they can to keep you safe.

Revenge Porn Helpline
The Revenge Porn Helpline supports anyone over the age of 18 and living in the UK who is a victim of intimate image abuse. This includes those who have had private sexual images shared without consent, threatened to be shared without consent, or taken without consent. They also provide advice and information to those targeted by Sextortion and webcam blackmail.
Helpline number: 0345 6000 459

Report Remove
Report Remove is here to help young people under 18 in the UK to confidentially report sexual images and videos of themselves and remove them from the internet.

Stop Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse is a free tool designed to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image (NCII) abuse aged over 18 and living in the UK. With an over 90% removal rate, over 200,000 individual non-consensual intimate images have been removed from the internet.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre for Education
The National Crime Agency's CEOP Education team aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse. They do this through an education programme, providing training, resources and information to professionals working with children, young people and their families.

Take a Break fund for Carers
Take a Break provides grants to parent carers (unpaid carers and eligible kinship carers) of disabled children and young people, aged 0 to 20, who have complex additional support needs.
This fund aims to improve unpaid carers’ quality of life, health and wellbeing by providing cash grants to help them access a short break from the day-to-day routine of caring. Take a Break grants can be used flexibly, to help meet the interests and circumstances of the carer.
Phone: 01904 571093

Play Scotland
Play Scotland promotes and supports play for all children and young people in Scotland. Find practical ideas, resources, information and events to help create more opportunities for play. Through play, children create and establish friendships. The extent to which they feel part of a group is linked to their opportunities to play with other children. Playing freely with others helps children learn how to see things from differing points of view through cooperating, sharing, helping and solving problems.

Edinburgh Psychoeducation Intervention for Children and Young People (EPIC)
EPIC is a research programme that takes an individualised ‘tool-kit’ approach to child development. It aims to facilitate optimal learning, behaviour, and wellbeing in children and young people.
The principles of EPIC apply to all children but are particularly relevant to children with ADHD, ASD, DCD/dyspraxia and those born prematurely.
Our resources can be used outwith taking part in an actual intervention. The booklets in the resources section can be used by parents and teachers to identify a child’s strengths and difficulties and help with understanding of them (‘Understanding’ booklets). The Strategy booklet can be used to practice strategies to optimise thinking skills, learning and well-being.

The Young Women's Movement
The Young Women's Movement is Scotland’s national organisation for young women and girls’ leadership and rights. The movement supports all young women and girls across Scotland to lead change on issues that matter to them by providing them with resources, networks and platforms to collectively challenge inequality.

Get Safe Online
A website providing practical advice on how to protect yourself, your computers and mobile devices against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other problems encountered online. It includes advice on safeguarding children when they are online on many topics including gaming, cyberbullying and social media.

Parent Zone helps families to flourish by offering support that makes digital family life easier. Their vision is one of a positive digital future full of opportunity for young people and free from harm. They want parents to feel confident and assured with the technology their families use.
From education programmes that reach millions of families to targeted resources for children with specific needs, the expert team responds to what families need with creativity and empathy.

Ripple Suicide Prevention
R;pple is an innovative online interceptive tool designed to ensure more help and support is provided to individuals conducting searches related to self-harm or suicide. Our focus is on proactive intervention, bridging the gap between individuals in crisis and the help they require.
By installing R;pple on your device, or supporting our mission, you become a part of a movement dedicated to saving lives and promoting a brighter, better-informed conversation around mental health.
UK Trauma Council
More than one in three children and young people are exposed to at least one potentially traumatic event by age 18. The right support can make a substantial difference to the extent that traumatic events impact their lives. The UK Trauma Council (UKTC) creates evidence-based resources and training to improve professionals' and carers’ understanding of the nature and impact of trauma, and better equip all those supporting children and young people exposed to trauma.

In Our Place
Online courses dedicated to improving emotional health and wellbeing in parents, children, teenagers, adults and grandparents.

West Dunbartonshire Violence Against Women and Girls Partnership
West Dunbartonshire’s Violence against Women Partnership is a multiagency mechanism that works collaboratively to provide support to all victims of Gender-Based Violence and reduce its prevalence in the area. If you, or someone you know, are experiencing Domestic Abuse or other forms of GBV, we have resources and support services in the area. You can find more information on local specialist services and national resources on our website.

NSPCC Building Connections Loneliness Suppport
Building Connections is an online service for children and young people between the ages of 9 and 19, empowering them to find a way through loneliness.
Young people work with a trained befriender, who guides them and champions them each step of the way. Building Connections gives young people tools that can help them build their confidence and better equip them to manage loneliness.
Referrals can be made to the service by a professional, with the consent of the child or young person and their parent or carer (link to form in 'making a referral' section).

Meeting the Needs of Autistic People (Right Decisions app)
A new app GGC - Meeting the needs of Autistic People is available on the Right Decision Service.
The mobile app, which is also available on the Right Decision website, provides quick and easy access to information on how to meet the needs of autistic and neuro-divergent people entering NHS services.
The guidance in the app is designed for all staff involved in the care and treatment of autistic patients. Following this guidance will help ensure that autistic individuals can access services and receive treatments that fully accommodate their needs. The app also offers suggestions for positive changes to be implemented throughout the patient's journey and provides information on how to handle autistic meltdowns or shutdowns. Additionally, it explains the fundamental needs of autistic individuals that should be considered when creating accessible clinical environments.
Although aimed at NHS staff, there is information relevant to anyone who works with neurodivergent and autistic people.

NHSGGC Self Harm
This page shares information on self-harm work happening across Greater Glasgow and Clyde along with some useful resources and suggested reading.
Here you can download a resource pack called On Edge for teachers and professionals working with children and young people (upper primary onwards). It includes teaching support materials and further information in the form of signposting to external resources and advice services, references, and links where relevant to the Curriculum for Excellence and other national guidance.

Mindful Bytes card game
An online card game for youth workers and young people to support conversations around digital wellbeing.

Improving Lives West Dunbartonshire
They believe everyone should be able to access the support and information they need quickly and easily. They are also passionate about making sport accessible to everyone.
Phone: 0141 237 4560

Swan Scotland
SWAN is a place for autistic women, girls and non-binary people to understand themselves better, connect with others, and learn from and support one another, without the stress of masking to fit in.
SWAN runs a range of events and activities, both in person and online, including local meet-up groups, online peer support, pre-and post-diagnosis groups, and wellbeing webinars.
All SWAN staff and volunteers are autistic and work hard to make SWAN a safe, welcoming and stress-free place for autistic women, girls and non-binary people.

Autism Toolbox
The Autism Toolbox is a free online resource developed to support the inclusion of autistic learners in Scottish Early Learning and Childcare settings, Primary and Secondary schools. It is closely linked to Curriculum for Excellence and the Scottish educational context.
The Toolbox was created to support the Scottish Strategy for Autism, which ended in 2021. It aims to build on improvements to autism services and increase access to these.

Healthy relationships with ourselves and our peers - school pack
It's important that young people can recognise how their relationships with themselves and their peers make them feel. They also need to understand how they can build healthy relationships, and how to get support if their relationships are affecting their mental health and wellbeing.
This school pack provide the materials and resources needed to support pupils to understand:
the importance of healthy relationships with themselves and their peers; and
how to build and maintain healthy relationships.

We Are With You
If you're facing challenges with drugs, alcohol or mental health and you don’t know where to turn, we’re here. Whether you need advice for yourself or a loved one, the journey starts with a step. When you’re ready to take it, we can help you along the path.
We Are With You Offers free, confidential support for young people aged 13 and over who are experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health via webchat, Monday to Friday 9am - pm; Weekends 10am - 4pm

Winston's Wish
Winston’s Wish is a charity that helps children, teenagers and young adults (up to the age of 25) find their feet when their worlds are turned upside down by grief.
Winston's Wish provides digital bereavement information, advice and support for young people across the UK who are grieving the death of someone important to them. They also help advise the adults who are caring for young grieving people including parents, school staff and healthcare professionals.
Phone: 08088 020 021

Railway Guardian app
The free Railway Guardian app is a safety app from the British Transport Police that allows you to report crimes or concerns on the rail network, share your journeys with trusted contacts, and access news, guides, or support.
British Transport Police want you to feel safe and empowered when you travel, and by downloading the Railway Guardian app, help is always at hand if you need it.
Your small actions can all play a part in making everyone’s journey a good one, such as:
- downloading the app
- reporting crimes and concerns
- learning about acceptable behaviour on the network and setting an example
- being an active bystander

LGBT Traveller Pride
LGBT Traveller Pride is are group made up of Travellers (used as inclusively as possible) who are LGBT+ (likewise) who want to provide a platform for their intersectional community. They act as a network that can provide guidance, support and information to make life easier for LGBT+ Travellers as well as providing essential services, meetup spaces and collaborating with other organisations to make them more welcoming to LGBT Travellers.
Helpline number: 0800 233 5066 Mondays 5pm - 8.30pm

Shameless Youths
Shameless Youths is a youth-led campaign which recognises the importance of supportive conversations between young people and the adults in their lives, particularly when it comes to being online and engaging in relationships online. These conversations need to be regular, judgement-free, informed and respectful... they need to be shameless.
Our aim is to promote positive conversations which support young people to understand what consenting and positive experiences online look like.
The campaign was developed in partnership between West Dunbartonshire Youth Council, West Dunbartonshire Council, NSPCC Scotland a steering group of local partners.

Cerebral Palsy Scotland
Cerebral Palsy Scotland is a charity that improves the lives of children and adults with cerebral palsy through specialist therapy, support and information.
Therapy is the key treatment for people with cerebral palsy. We work with children and adults, supporting them to solve physical things they are finding challenging day-to-day, stay active, maintain mobility, live more independently and avoid or reduce pain.
They have a range of therapy programmes for children and adults available right now. Some are available at no cost to the people accessing them. Others are part-funded. They encourage anyone interested to get in touch as there are many different ways they can support children, families and individuals to access services, including through Self-Directed Support. Go to the 'How We Help' page to see more.
Phone: 01413525000

Compass is for young people preparing for change, and for parents and carers of young people aged 14-26 who have additional support needs of any kind, including learning disabilities, physical or mental health difficulties, autism, complex or profound disabilities, and experience of care (either as a young carer or a care experienced young person). Compass helps you explore choices and make confident decisions about your future.
Compass also supports parents and carers of young people in Scotland who need help as they make the transition to young adult life.
There is also a version of Compass for professionals and practitioners who are supporting young people and their families through the transition to young adult life.

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland is Scotland's largest health charity, dedicated to helping individuals with chest, heart, and stroke conditions live life to the fullest. Everyone deserves to thrive after such health challenges, but many people experience fear, isolation, and loneliness, often struggling to cope. They can help.
The charity's nurses, support workers, and volunteers ensure that no one recovers alone. Through their Community Healthcare Support Service, they provide vital support to help people across Scotland lead fulfilling lives despite their health conditions.
Supports include Community Healthcare Support, phone support,supported physical activities, peer support, and advice leaflets. Online learning modules are available for professionals.
Phone: 808 801 0899