Here you will find resources, supports and service information to help you support a child, young person or a family’s wellbeing. There is also information you can signpost young people and their families to.
We do hope everyone enjoyed the festive season, but as life begins to return to normality please know there are local supports that can help.
If you need help right now our 'get help now' page has information on supports that can provide help if you need it.
If you are struggling with your mental wellbeing visit some of the pages below for local supports available
If you require food supplies please access one of the supports below. Please check face book site to get the most up to date info or any service changes. All information correct at time of publish.
West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare - Provides emergency food aid parcels to anyone who requires it. Self referrals or agency referrals. Delivered to your home.
Food for Thought - Provides emergency food aid parcels to anyone who requires it.self referrals or agency referrals
Food for Thought distribution centers are as follows:
These are drop in sessions and no referral needed.
Old Kilpatrick Food Parcels & Community Pantry - Food Parcels (OKFP) help any resident of Old Kilpatrick, Bowling & Dalmuir, without the need for a referral. Free food pantry. No referral required
They can be contacted by any of the following routes:
Open Monday to Friday 12-2pm
Faifley Food Share - Provide emergency food parcels. No referral required.
Check their Facebook page for up to date information
Tuesday and Friday’s in Faifley Parish Church Hall
Tuesday & Friday each week